Tuesday, November 21, 2023 GPS AM

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Good morning! Here I leave you with the most important news in the last few hours and some special features of RED/ACCION.

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On his first day as president, Javier Mire announced privatization and a number of cabinet appointments. Lawyer Mariano Cúneo Libarona to be Justice Minister, former La Libertad Avanza Buenos Aires governor candidate card Carolina Píparo will be the new director of ANSES. In addition, the liberal also mentioned other names that he hopes to join his team, such as Florencio Randazzo and Javier Iguacer, without revealing details.

  • Meeting with Macri and the role of PRO. Although he said he would not notify new cabinet members until they take office on December 10, Mire and his collaborators spent the entire day yesterday gathering their teams at the Libertador Hotel. The president-elect received Mauricio Macri. Although they did not discuss names, both the former president and Patricia Burridge hope to have an impact on the formation of the team. Several PRO leaders sound like possible additions, such as former BCRA presidents Federico Sturzenegger (responsible for the economy), Luis Caputo and Federico Pinedo.


Sergio Massa will continue as Economy Minister until December 10, with preparations for the transition. The Minister of Economy appointed Gabriel Rubinstein, Undersecretary of the Economy, to serve President Alberto Fernández; Leonardo Madcur, Chairman of the Economic Cabinet; Minister of Finance Raúl Rigo y Pesce ordered the transition to the government of La Libertad Avanza.Yesterday at X, the team Liberals note that “no conference is currently planned” Between President Alberto Fernández and President-elect Javier Milley. ” However, there was a rapprochement between both teams and a summit within the next few hours has not been ruled out.


Argentine stocks rose strongly on the New York Stock Exchange after the vote. Shares of YPF (which Milei announced will be taken private) rose 40% to close at $15.17. Shares of companies in the energy and financial sectors also rose sharply. Additionally, country risk and cryptodollars also declined. Against this background, the government has ruled out the possibility of an exchange holiday and will continue to settle exports at a higher exchange rate, which will help avoid devaluation in the coming weeks.


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Now let’s take a look at the best content from our website 👇


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That’s all for this morning. Have a great Tuesday. Embrace!

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Tuesday, November 21, 2023 GPS AMTuesday, November 21, 2023 GPS AM

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