Twins are born for the first time after 55 years

Aquanegra’s Fango – Twins have been born 55 years after the last two cases and parish priest Don Giuseppe Galbignani rings the bells of St. Alessandro’s Church, It happens with Fengo and little children are the protagonists of this beautiful love story of life Louis And diego, “I played twice with the tune of the feast – explains the priest – because in this case the reason is twofold; We use bells to announce sad events, and it is right that they also ring for joyful events that announce life, to thank God for the graces He bestows on us. .

Two blue bows hang over the front door, bringing joy to the small village on Wednesday, The news, thanks to a Facebook post published by the group ‘Sei Di Fengo Se…’, has spread across the web, garnering a lot of virtual wishes and congratulations to the family. Father Francis Mother is in the army at the Colonel di Lanna barracks in Cremona Valentina She is a housewife but hopes to get a job soon. They are both in their thirties, born in 1992, he is from Palermo and she is from Naples.

«For work reasons – explains Francesco whose surname is Capici – I moved to Cremona in January 2020 and in September 2021 we took a house in Fango and moved there with our eldest daughter adele 8 years old”. Wednesday passed smoothly. «At the time of delivery – the father adds – there was a lot of worry from my wife’s side and a lot of curiosity from my side, Since it was a caesarean delivery, I could not attend the birth of both, but as soon as they took the babies to a separate room to check on them, they called me and I finally got to know about them.

They are twins, but with different details. Luigi has straight hair and weighs 2,850 grams, while Diego was born curly and weighs 2,770 grams., Diego looks exactly like my daughter Adele when she was born. These days in the hospital we are feeling different emotions, above all happiness and joy. It’s wonderful to see them smile, to hear them cry, after nine months of only imagining how they could be. The doctors, nurses in the hospital and people outside the hospital complimented us on the beauty of the babies. It’s a source of pride as far as I’m concerned. Starting again after 8 years is a bit tough, but together we will make it.”

Also welcomed by the Mayor of Aquanegra orest brichi: «I don’t know the family, who have settled here for about a year and a half – says the mayor – but The arrival of Luigi and Diego certainly brought great joy to the small community and therefore, also on behalf of the municipal administration, I congratulate the parentsHope these incidents will be repeated more often”. For the record, Fengo is twin brother born in 1968 rafaela And Nicola Galli And robert And Silvanus Bacciocchi,

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