Two outbreaks of gastroenteritis in Huesca province, affecting more than 100 people

Two outbreaks last week have affected more than 100 people acute gastroenteritis. The first case was detected in a town in Huesca, which the health department did not specify, which reported 80 cases. People with mild diarrhea. Samples were taken at five points in the supply network and the results were all negative.

The second outbreak occurred at a residence in the province Huesca and 77 people were exposed and 13 people were affected. It is suspected to be due to the spread of the virus among the elderly.

In addition, the weekly Epidemiological Bulletin Aragonese Government It was also reported yesterday Another outbreak of food poisoning occurred at a restaurant in Teruel, affecting three diners. One of them tested positive for salmonella. Finally, an outbreak of influenza A was reported in another residence in the province of Huesca, with a total of 63 exposed persons, 20 of whom were confirmed, 6 of whom were diagnosed and hospitalized.

The document this week also specifically discusses Nile fever, which is spread through the bites of different mosquitoes.. Spain has reported three cases of human infection with the potentially fatal disease, but none in Aragon.

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