UABJO marks World Sexual Health Day with prevention campaign

UABJO marks World Sexual Health Day with prevention campaign

* In coordination with Coesida, an information and service fair was organized at the Faculty of Dentistry

Juarez, Oaxaca, September 5, 2023 –
He said speaking up, without stigmatizing sexuality, and providing young people with all the information they need to prevent and treat disease and unwanted pregnancies, is crucial to progressively reducing the number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or HIV . Dr. Ana Lilia Gijón Soriano, Dean of the UABJO School of Dentistry.

That was during the inauguration of the number four. The Sexual Health Expo, held at the above-mentioned academic unit, is a joint effort of the Autonomous University of Oaxaca “Benito Juárez” (UABJO) and the State Council’s AIDS Prevention and Control Commission (Coesida Capasits) within the framework of the world September 4 Today is Sexual Health Day.

University and state authorities such as Dr. Víctor Antonio Espinoza Ricárdez, Head of the University’s Integrated Care Unit (UIAU), representing UABJO Rector CP Cristian Carreño López; Jesús Alejando Ramírez Figueroa, Deputy Director of the Oaxaca State Health Services (SSO); HIV/ Francisco Contreras Méndez, National Director of the AIDS Program; Javier Enrique Leyva Díaz, Academic Coordinator of FO UABJO and others Both agreed on the importance of people having access to this type of information and knowing their sexual rights.

As part of the expo, the Health Services installed an information module as well as a mobile unit to carry out HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C detection tests, in addition to providing free external and internal condoms, lubricating gel and detection tests. Human papillomavirus (HPV).

It should be noted that these preventive activities aimed at raising awareness about sexual and reproductive health care are carried out continuously within the various schools, departments and institutes of our Supreme Academy as part of the action lines of the Center for Integrative Health. Student care programmes, to be considered in the current government’s Institutional Development Plan.

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