Urgent: Gaza’s reaction from Minister Fidan to the European Union: Preventing solidarity demonstrations is a double standard – last minute Turkey news

Breaking news! Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan spoke at the closed session of the meeting held at the ministerial level under the title Enlargement and Reform of the European Union, which was organized by the German Foreign Ministry in the German capital, Berlin.

According to information obtained by diplomatic sources, Fidan touched on the human tragedy in Gaza in his speech, and said that “preventing solidarity demonstrations with the Palestinians in some European Union countries is a double standard.” He said.

Fidan pointed out that for the European Union to be able to compete at the global level, it must have a larger number of members based on respect for differences. “The credibility of the enlargement policy must be re-established,” he said. Some member states “should be prevented from using negotiation processes.” To achieve their own interests. “Membership negotiations should not turn into open-ended, never-ending processes.” “It is also wrong to turn them,” he made his assessment.

Fidan stressed that global players must move away from double standards, and also criticized the ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in some EU countries. “Those who allow our holy book, the Qur’an, to be attacked under the guise of ‘freedom of expression,’” he said, are protesting. On the brutal killing of civilians in Palestine.” “They prevent those who want it. This is an unacceptable double standard,” he said.

He asked his interlocutors: “If we cannot prevent Israel from slaughtering civilians in Gaza, how can we protect civilians in Ukraine?” Vidanna called for searching for an answer to this question, and pointed out that the European Union cannot show a firm and effective stance towards global problems.

Foreign Minister Fidan left Berlin for Astana after the end of the meeting attended by foreign ministers of about 20 countries, including the host country Germany, Finland, Sweden, Czechia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Georgia and Kosovo. Information has been obtained.

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