Urgent: Russia and China use their veto power against a US-led draft resolution condemning the October 7 Hamas operation in the UN Security Council

The power was mutually vetoed against two separate resolutions introduced by the United States and Russia in the UN Security Council on developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Russia, China and the United Arab Emirates vetoed the US-led resolution condemning the Hamas operation on October 7.

The United Nations Security Council meets

The United Nations Security Council convened to discuss the ongoing conflicts between Israel and Palestine. The US-led resolution condemning the October 7 Hamas operation, and considering Israeli attacks as tantamount to the right to defend itself, was discussed in the UN Security Council.

Russia, China, and the United Arab Emirates used their veto power against the draft resolution related to Hamas

Russia, China, and the United Arab Emirates used their veto power against the draft resolution. Albania, France, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Japan, Malta, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States voted in favor of the resolution. Brazil and Mozambique abstained from voting.

“Their goal is to support the political position of the United States in the region.”

While the draft resolution calls for a “humanitarian ceasefire” and safe passage for humanitarian aid in the Gaza Strip, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzia, said in his statement that the United States did not call for a ceasefire in the draft resolution. She strongly criticized him for not condemning the attacks against civilians in the Gaza Strip. “It is clear that this highly politicized document has only one purpose: not to save civilians, but to support the American political situation in the region,” Nebenzia said. A Russian delegate to the United Nations Council said in a statement: “Israel is a state that occupies Palestine.” He said.

The United States has vetoed it before

The United States vetoed the draft resolution submitted by Brazil to the UN Security Council on October 18. The draft resolution calls for a “humanitarian ceasefire” in the Gaza Strip, for Israel to cancel its order to transfer civilians and UN staff in Gaza to the south, and for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, and for all attacks launched by Hamas and the Palestinian armed forces. He condemned all forms of violence and hostility against civilians, and condemned all types of terrorist acts.

(Tags for translation) United Nations Security Council

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