Urgent: The latest developments in the war between Israel and Hamas.. Urgent statement: The ceasefire in Gaza begins at eight o’clock tomorrow morning

Tomorrow begins a 4-day humanitarian calm within the framework of the prisoner exchange agreement between Israel and Palestine. Qatari Foreign Ministry spokesman Majid Al-Ansari announced, in a press conference held in the Qatari capital, Doha, that the humanitarian distance between Israel and Palestine will begin tomorrow at 07:00 local time (08:00 Turkish lira), and he said and added that “the hostages will be collected from the same country.” “The family is in the same area. The agreed upon number of civilians, 50 people in total, will include within four days.”

Al-Ansari explained that the talks between the two parties took place in a very nice and positive atmosphere. He said that he could not exchange information about ways to remove the prisoners from the Gaza Strip “for security reasons,” and said: “Our main goal here is the safety of the hostages.”

“The first civilian group of 13 people will be released.”

Al-Ansari explained that the first group of civilians, consisting of 13 people, will be released from the Gaza Strip tomorrow at 16.00 local time (17.00 Turkish lira), and that the group in question will consist of women and children. “These launches will take place during a certain period of time every day, when the area is safer to move around,” Al Ansari said. He added: “They will be handed over to the Red Cross and the goal is to make the transfer process as safe as possible for all parties.”

(Tags for translation)Israel

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