Vaccination campaign against COVID-19 and influenza in the Balearic Islands

The Government of the Balearic Islands has started a combined influenza and COVID-19 vaccination campaign for the general population on October 23 this year, which will continue until the end of the seasonal respiratory virus season. As a novelty, the campaign includes vaccination of children under five years of age, while smokers are considered a risk group.

Current campaigns run on different days depending on the demographic group. On October 16, vaccinations against influenza and COVID-19 began for residents of residential complexes and day centers, as well as for health professionals. On the other hand, starting from October 23, Total population expected child population Vaccinations will begin on November 3.

(A Belgian study has not yet “proven” that the new coronavirus vaccine causes “turbo cancer”)

Who is recommended to receive the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines in the Balearic Islands?

According to the Balearic Islands government, the vaccination campaign against influenza and COVID-19 is targeted at people over 60 years old and minors with certain risk conditions. For those considered high-risk, combined flu and COVID-19 vaccinations will be given at the same appointment at the health center.

Therefore, two vaccines are recommended for the following groups of people:

  • People over 60 years old.
  • Minors over five years of age, inmates of disability centers and nursing homes and other long-term institutionalized persons and residents of closed institutions.
  • People under 60 years of age with the following dangerous medical conditions: diabetes, chronic cardiovascular, neurological or respiratory diseases, chronic liver disease (including chronic alcoholism), cancer, etc.
  • Pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy and women in the postpartum period (up to 6 months postpartum and not vaccinated during pregnancy).
  • People who live with others who are highly immunosuppressed.
  • Workers in public and private health and social care centers and institutions, whether health or non-health.
  • Essential public service professionals “special emphasis” is placed on the following groups: national security forces and agencies, firefighters and civil protection services.

Which population in the Balearic Islands must be vaccinated against influenza

On the other hand, the autonomous region government recommended that the following groups of people be vaccinated for the first time:

  • Children under five years old (6 to 59 months).
  • Smokers are also included, having become part of the target group this year because they have a “higher risk of complications in the event of contagion”.
  • People between the ages of 5 and 59 are at higher risk for complications from the flu.
  • Students undertake internships at the Center for Health and Social Care.
  • People who have direct occupational contact with animals.

Vaccinations for children in the Balearic Islands

This year, for the first time, the Balearic Islands government recommends that all healthy children between 6 months and 4 years 11 months (6-59 months) receive the influenza vaccine. As they explain, this group is most affected by influenza infection because they are rarely exposed to the influenza virus.

Where and how to make an appointment to get your coronavirus and flu vaccine

The Government of the Balearic Islands informs that people who want to receive COVID-19 and influenza vaccinations can call to make an appointment Information and communications: 971 22 00 00.


Government of the Balearic Islands

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