Vaccination campaigns underway against influenza, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus


Dr. Carlos Lebrun during Charry TV's La Entrevista // Laura Caballero

Dr. Carlos Lebrun during Charry TV’s La Entrevista // Laura Caballero

You can make an appointment by phone, on the health app or at a health center.

October 24, 2023 – 16:14 // Charlie TV News

Laura Caballero

Vaccination campaigns against influenza, coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus began a few weeks ago. On October 9, people over the age of 85, nursing homes and disability centers began receiving the drug.

Currently, people over 70 are eligible for the vaccines, as are highly dependent people, their carers and pregnant women. In November, the general population aged 60 or older will be able to do so, as well as people with certain medical conditions, cancer patients or pregnant women.

Children between 6 months and 5 years old can now get the flu vaccine if they don’t have any type of disease. If they do provide this information, they may also be candidates for the COVID-19 vaccine.

Dr. Carlos Lebrun of the Serranha Health District explained that this campaign is carried out on these dates before the peak of incidence begins and is offered to the target group of people who are affected by different factors (age or condition) and the most vulnerable), such as health), your immune system cannot handle these types of illnesses on its own.

“As COVID-19 becomes less pathogenic, other viruses will come back, and the problem is that they will be more powerful,” Lebrun said. With vaccines, we can help prevent this from becoming a reality, although doctors explain that Health workers are pleased with the response so far.

You can make an appointment online at ClicSalud, apply through Salud Andalucía or Salud Responde, call 955 54 50 60 or contact the health center.

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