Vaccination Tent Provides Free Vaccines to Tucumanians in Microcenter – Tucumán Department of Public Health

Public Health Secretary Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz visited the tent on the Muñecas pedestrian street today and said that, as requested by Governor Juan Manzur and Deputy Governor Oswaldo Jardo Close contact is crucial.

“Anyone who comes up through here gets the appropriate vaccine. Most people have had 3 or 4 doses. We have flu, coronavirus, hepatitis, pneumonia, etc. It’s a way of reaching people and protecting them. Vaccines are highly effective , security, guaranteed cold chain, which are expensive globally, but here they are free. The idea is that this tent will last until the end of the month,” he said. Medina Ruiz.

On the occasion, the official said they also hope to place the stands in other high-traffic areas of the province. “We want to continue immunization and control blood pressure. Vaccination is the best way to prevent serious disease, and if we have a vaccine, we have to take advantage of it,” he added.

One of those who passed by, Miguelhe approached the tent and placed a dose of the vaccine to complete his plan: “I would like to invite all Tucumanians to come and get vaccinated, because it is free and very necessary. We should not let this opportunity pass.”

Silvia He was also in the area and came to receive his dose. “I’m doing some paperwork and I’m able to get vaccinated here without having to line up or go to any nodes. The focus is fast and very good”, he concludes.

Notably, Executive Medical Secretary Dr. Miguel Ferre Contreras and Health Management Director Dr. Alejandra Mattiacci were also present.

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