Vaccine Again: Flu Campaign Is Coming

this Flu vaccination campaign and booster doses against coronavirus (Covid-19) This year it will be a few days earlier.

Specifically, health authorities are already planning the device, which is intended to Minimal and distinct risk groups.

Since there is no official confirmation from the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta Andalusia, everything indicates that the autonomous region will start receiving the first batch of vaccines on September 25, This will bring forward by one week the action that is launched every autumn.

The department he leads Catalina Garcia It will therefore follow the instructions of the National Public Health Council, which met in Madrid last Tuesday and of which the different autonomous regions and the Ministry of Health are part.

new standard

Specifically, the Public Health Commission updated the criteria for the next influenza and Covid-19 vaccination campaign and determined that the campaign will start in different autonomous regions Starting from the last week of September through October, Euronews reports.

Furthermore, in the new document “Influenza and Covid-19 Vaccination Recommendations in Spain 2023-2024”, the target group includes people from “health institutions”, such as those working in pharmacies.

In any case, the first users of the Andalusian public system to receive the flu vaccine will be Residents of centers for the elderly and disabledthereby following the protocols established by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs of the Junta Andalusia.

The province of Almeria started its vaccination campaign for the period 2022-23 on October 3, which will last for 23 weeks.

Almeria data

Following the event, Salud y Consumo released a report outlining the equipment deployed in the community’s eight provinces.
In the case of Almeria, according to documents obtained by this newspaper, A total of 157,562 doses of influenza vaccine have been distributed.

They highlighted in the report of the department headed by Catalina García that Almeria is one of the provinces with vaccination coverage of more than 70% of the population. 65 years and over.

Regarding the target child population, Between six months and 59 months (Last 5 years), the coverage in the province of Almeria is close to 60%, with health and consumption documents specified and approved by the Junta Council of Andalusia at that time.

high demand

Last year’s flu vaccination campaign (doses will minimize the impact) was carried out before the Covid-19 health alarm had officially subsided.

This explains the significant increase in doses received and administered by all three health districts of Almeria, allocated to the territorial health mission responsible for coordination Juan de la Cruz Belmonte.

“Almeria knows very well that the effective and safe measure against COVID-19 and influenza is vaccination. I can only thank the health professionals for their efforts during these months, and the Andalusians themselves for their efforts to protect themselves and A mature approach to the people around you,” Belmonte declared at the start of the event almost a year ago.


On the other hand, the Public Health Committee analyzed at its meeting last Tuesday Evolution of the Covid-19 epidemiological situation. Therefore, they note that in recent weeks, “a slight increase has been detected, which is stabilizing.” The incidence rate in primary care centers is approximately 130 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, 3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants require hospitalization.

For the province of Almeria, the latest data indicate an incidence rate of 124 cases, below the national average.Two weeks later, the center of Almeria was notified There are 196 cases of Covid-19 among people aged over 60.

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