Venice, Kanye West and his wife banned from work in a motorboat company after a hot scandal

A 46-year-old man was caught with his pants down in a taxi crossing the Grand Canal.

Published:04/09/2023 17:09

Last update:04/09/2023 17:09

ROME – Kanye West and wife Bianca Censori they are no longer welcome in the typical Venice water taxis after a heated scandal that hit the headlines last week.

A 46-year-old man was caught with his pants down in a taxi. when he was crossing the Grand Canal with his wife and friend. Before him is Bianca, who, according to the English press, would “knelt down”. The three of them then went to a restaurant in the lagoon for lunch.

According to a report published by the Daily Mail, Venezia Turismo Motoscafi is distancing itself “from such acts and behaviour.” And the statement sent says: “On board, the driver had to pay attention to traffic and did not see these obscene expressions. If this happened, he would immediately disembark and inform the authorities about the violators.. Because of this “Mr. West and his wife will no longer be welcome aboard our company’s ships.”.

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Venice, Kanye West and his wife banned from work in a motorboat company after a hot scandal



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