Vicky Martín Berrocal shares how to lose 18kg in 6 months without regaining it

Vicky Martín Berrocal’s method allowed her to lose 18 kilograms in 6 monthsInstagram

Vicki Martin Berrocar became fat 18kg His goal for 2021 is to get rid of them Start a regular and healthy lifestyle. He achieved this goal but lost them within 6 months and assured that the change would be maintained over time.


He admitted that he ““A toxic relationship with food” So much so that it’s used as a reward. A Very Common Eating Disorder: “I came home from a day out and gave me that momentInstead of giving me lettuce and tomatoes, he gave me a plate of pasta and told me to go to bed,” he said in an interview in March. God realizes this He never paid much attention to size.

The designer used social networks to show off her body changes in real time. Through his stories, he lets off steam and explains the steps he took to achieve his goals.

The first thing he did was to put himself into the hands of a man. personal trainerCristina Díaz took the initiative and invited her along followers Invite them to “join your work faster”Train, suffer and sweat with Vicky”, As time went on, he admitted How she feels better, stronger, lighter, more toned.

Vicky Martin Berrocar’s Weight Loss Tips

Vicky Martín Berrocal shows off her new figure

The designer’s diet is not restrictive; it is based on having a healthier diet, farther Rich in fruits and vegetables, eat multiple meals a day.

In her network, she said she needed to do Five meals a day:”The truth is, if I don’t eat, I’ll eat dinner!arrive’! But this is impossible. ” he admitted in his speech. storyhe also shared some of the recipes he uses in his daily life with his fellow challengers. Ideal snack for those who want to lose weight You’ll be fuller by dinner, and a simple but delicious breakfast will help you stay energized during the day.

he shared his snack yogurt Topped with strawberries and nuts, Breakfast is toast with strawberries, and dinner is fresh gazpacho with hard-boiled eggs.

Vegetable-rich, healthy recipes to help you achieve your goals Lost 18kg in six months, but also to achieve other goals. Her trainer reflected this on her social networks: “On January 6th this cannon started training and a healthy eating challenge with us. The result? Lost 18 kg, Happier, more energetic, better skin, better everything… “Now is the time to enjoy the holidays, stay active, and rest.”

Vicki Martin Berrocar not only maintained Daily training and balanced diet, He continues to take care of himself in all aspects of his life Not obsessed Weight loss: “I’ve got 40 points, I’ve done really well, I’ve got 46 points and I’ve been defending that and that’s the attitude,” he said.

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“I’m Vicky Martín Berrocal. I’m a size 42 and have cellulite. Also, I’m like this…a person with weak emotions but a strong character. I’m complex, sometimes complex, but with a good mentality .”Heart. I was lost, but I searched and I found myself. I don’t know how to give myself half, I give myself completely. I will never be half your friend nor half your love, to me it’s all or nothing… I don’t lie, I don’t hide, I’m fair, demanding and a perfectionist By. Nor do I boast. Instead, I’ve been thankful for the things I don’t have for the life I have to live. I used to get angry easily, now I lower the volume of what I hear and raise the tone of what I feel. I’m not perfect, but I’m real.”

In November 2020, she issued a plea for real women: “I never worry about my weight. You can be a hottie no matter what your body shape is. More importantly, it’s a matter of attitude. “Whether I’m a size 40 or a size 46, I am who I am. I come in all sizes and I know what I’m talking about,” he explained on Instagram.

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