Video: They plead with authorities to care for wolf killed by bird flu

The situation on the coasts of Necochea and Kaikon has become alarming due to the presence of unburied carcasses of marine fauna, mainly sea lions. Although bird flu affecting these animals appears to be declining, communities are concerned about the risk of infection and have urgently called on authorities to remove or bury the carcasses of these marine mammals after they were seen being attacked by wolves.

drama on the coast

Although authorities have been working to bury the dead animals, specimens in a high state of decomposition have been observed on both Necochea and Kaican breakwaters in recent days. According to official data, a total of 122 sea lions were killed in the area, accounting for about 6% of the local sea lion population.

NdeN has also learned that unofficial figures put the death toll at more than 200.

Although bird flu deaths have dropped significantly over the past two weeks, experts still advise caution before allowing access to the Necochea Marina.

society’s call

The Necochea and LoberĂ­a birdwatchers clubs have expressed concern about the proliferation of dogs on the coast, which feed on sea lion carcasses that have not been buried for days. This condition poses an infectious risk first to dogs and then to humans.

To address the problem, bird watchers submitted reports with photos and videos to the municipalities of Necochea and Loberia, urging immediate steps to quickly bury the dead wolves. The National Agricultural Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa) is also involved in this issue.

Dogs tearing up abandoned wolf carcasses were discovered during a routine survey of shorebirds on the coasts of Necochea, Kaicon and Loberia, which was carried out by 18 census enumerators from both entities. This situation not only threatens public health but also affects migratory birds such as the endangered red-bellied shorebird.

Calling for responsibility

In addition to calls for the dead sea lions to be buried, people are also being urged to take precautions with their pets to prevent them from roaming uncontrolled on the beaches. The experience of the Covid-19 pandemic reminds us of the importance of preventing the spread of zoonotic diseases.

The evolution of avian influenza

SENASA reported that the cases observed in Necochea showed more pronounced neurological symptoms than respiratory symptoms, which caused many wolves to convulse before death. However, during recent coastal surveys, only four dead wolves were found, suggesting the disease has been downplayed.

Experts from the National University of Mar del Plata estimate that there are about 600 land animals in the wolf pack, with the number fluctuating. The interactions between the wolf packs in Necochea and Mar del Plata, which number about 4,000 in total, have been confirmed and it is noted that avian influenza has caused a mortality rate of 6%.

Differences between wolves

It is worth noting that avian influenza has not affected the two-haired wolves that live on the rocks at the top of the breakwater because these animals have no contact with the one-haired wolves that live on the beach next to the breakwater. Breakwater.Breakwater

About the reopening of the pier

Although the southern breakwater currently remains closed, a reopening in the coming days cannot be ruled out due to a drop in bird flu deaths. However, authorities are evaluating applicable protocols to keep humans safe from possible zoonotic diseases.

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