Villa Gesell finds dead sea lion, deploys bird flu case plan

A sea ​​wolf Found lifeless on beach in Buenos Aires district Villa Gesell Authorities deployed protocols in areas easily accessible to the mammals following the outbreak on Tuesday morning of Avian Influenza in loberias silver sea and Necocia.

Local conservation group Rescate Verdemar reported that the specimen was found dead in the town. seagulllocated in the south of the area.

The region announced that the animal’s remains will be disposed of in accordance with protocols established by the region. National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa) For the following cases Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5.

Due to the recent outbreaks in the sea lion habitats of Mar del Plata and Necochea, the municipality of Villa Gesell is in Gustavo Barrera, implementing a protocol aimed at assessing and monitoring the situation in the region. In addition, prevention and control measures and possible responses to emergencies have been strengthened.

As part of these actions, they established Tellam said there are working groups in areas prone to marine mammals and migratory birds. At the same time, the migratory patterns of birds and their interactions with marine animals have been exhaustively analyzed. Therefore, three monitoring shifts were set up on the beach with the aim of identifying areas of possible contact between migratory birds and marine species.

View image of They found dead sea lions in Mar del Plata (Credit: Gentleness Senasa)

The discovery comes in the context of an outbreak Avian Influenza This affects sea lions in Argentina. Three new positive cases were confirmed in the town of Buenos Aires, the National Service of Sanitation and Quality of Agricultural Products (Senasa) announced on Monday. claromeko and saint blaiseand in San Antonio East, black river.

The first sirens were sounded in early August Rio Grande, Tierra del Fuegoof which 21 sea lions have one hair (Sophora flavescensits scientific name) They were found dead in various places along the coast.

In light of the suspicion, samples were sent to Senasa National Laboratories where 7 samples were positive for HPAI H5 virus. Prior to this, the country had only tested the animals twice, which, as the agency explained, came back negative.

As time went on, more and more dead sea lion specimens began to be found. As a result of the analysis of the bodies and the autopsy, the city of Buenos Aires reported an avian influenza infection. Necociaexist Villarinosouth of Baiwanexist port loola (Santa Claus), Viedma (black river)puerto pyramides (Chubut) and in the city silver sea, Province of Buenos Aires. This was followed by three more positive cases confirmed on Monday.

In the latter, cases are located in Port South Breakwater, the largest colony of the species in the area, had to be closed.In addition, cases have been recorded on the coast in different parts of the Central Coast such as pearl, Varese, punta iglesias, popular beach, big beach and cliff.

Faced with this situation, Senasa recommends avoiding people and vehicles from accessing affected beaches or spaces, and recommends not handling dead animals or animals showing suspicious symptoms (such as nervous disturbances or convulsions) as a form of prevention. “It needs to be noted that if there is no contact, there is no risk of human transmission,” an official source told reporters. database.

Based on information provided by Telam

continue reading:

Increase in bird flu cases in sea lions: They advise staying away from beaches and avoiding contact with animals

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