Villasanta: Farewell to the tale “Ag Calcio”, the team that all children played

The sports association headed by Franco Cimino, who played on the fields of San Fiorano, ceased its activities with great chagrin.

Once upon a time, there was a team in Villasanta that forced all the children to play football. The story doesn’t have a happy ending, though.

When an association closes, it is always a defeat for everyone. Especially since the Ag Calcio (Youth Academy) association in question was born with a very specific goal: to guarantee all children, especially the youngest ones, the right to run and have fun with the ball, even if you have what is called slightly “square” legs or physique you are not quite an athlete or, in this case, a football player.

The philosophy that turned the principles of football upside down

It is a philosophy that has turned the principles of football upside down, completely overturning them, and which in recent years has been promoted by Ag Calcio, a football club founded seven years ago Franco Cimino and Riccardo Belotto.
Until a few months ago, they both continued to practice at the San Fiorano sports center. AG knew how to put on the field those young players who would otherwise be on the bench and in the stands. And in order not to offend anyone, during the games all the kids played the same number of minutes with a stopwatch in their hands. But, as we said, this story does not have a happy ending.

“All dreams fade at dawn”

“All dreams disappear at dawn, and sunset comes for us,” said Franco Cimino. – Unfortunately, we are forced to close our doors and cannot do otherwise. Before Covid, over a hundred young football players fought in our ranks. Unfortunately, the pandemic has cut our legs. We resumed our activities in 2022 with 25 children attending a football school, but today we are forced to stop.”

Too many difficulties for those who, like 2Ag, have no history behind them and no field for training, but only great enthusiasm and dedication until the last day.

It was a beautiful dream

The Association not only became a landing spot for those who couldn’t find a place anywhere else, but also became a point of reference for all those children and families who still see football as a sporting, recreational and educational opportunity.

“However, it was a beautiful dream, one of those that remain in memory, even if they fade with time, but they still leave a feeling of something unique; because we don’t regret anything we’ve done,” Cimino continued. – Spring came a few years ago when Bellotto, a former Serie B football player in Bologna and a former football player and futsal coach, and I had children with whom they played. at a football club in Brianza that had big ambitions. This forced them to cut dry branches, that is, those guys who were not suitable for their project due to technical limitations. Even our children are left behind. Over the years we have learned more than we have taught, we have received more than we have given, and we have grown on a personal level thanks to the people who have accompanied us over the years. All without exception: those who collaborated with us, those who supported us, parents, but above all our children, because we felt them as ours from the first day, with their stories, their experiences, their fears and their joys. We would also like to thank the sports center manager who has hosted us over the years. We tried to see if it was possible to continue our activities, perhaps with the help of Kosovo or the parish, but we did not succeed, and this left us with a bitter taste.

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