Viral hepatitis causes more than 1.5 million new infections worldwide each year.

Viral hepatitis (mainly B and C) produces more than 1.5 million new infections Globally, according to World Health Organization (WHO) estimates. therefore, filter play one Basic function detect and eliminate the disease early world dayThis day is celebrated every year on July 28th.In fact, the World Health Organization’s hepatitis strategy aims to 90% reduction new infections and 65% died Between now and 2030.

serious health problems

Viral hepatitis (main strains are A, B, C, D, E) can cause inflammation Liver, becomes a serious health problem.In fact, the World Health Organization estimates that 78% of primary liver cancer cases and 57% of liver cancer cases liver cirrhosis They are caused by viral hepatitis infection, especially infection with the B or C virus.

The World Health Organization estimates that 78% of primary liver cancer cases and 57% of cirrhosis cases are caused by viral hepatitis infection.

and thanks Vaccinationdiagnostic tests and drug treatments, etc., can be Nearly 4.5 million premature deaths averted According to the World Health Organization, low- and middle-income countries will achieve this goal by 2030.

In general, hepatitis B, C, and D no symptoms until they are in very advanced stage The main routes of infection are parenteral transmission and/or risky sexual behaviour.

Vaccination could prevent nearly 4.5 million premature deaths in low- and middle-income countries by 2030.

Preventing Hepatitis B Reactivation

prevent hepatitis B reactivation Dr. said passing the screening was simple. Flawless Fernandez, Head of Digestive Services, University Hospital, Madrid, October 12, at the participation Sixty-third session of the General Assembly The meeting of the Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology (SEPD) was recently held in Seville.

“This screening, through Serologyshould be performed on all patients to be treated Easy to reactivate viral infection. This is so because patients who have or have had hepatitis B are likely to reactivate the disease if they receive certain treatments. Drugs such as immunosuppressantsthis immunomodulator or chemotherapy. Depending on the status of the infection and the treatment they will be receiving, antiviral prophylaxis may or may not prevent this reactivation,” explained Dr Fernandez.

“In Spain, there are no differences in the diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B, and patients can be serologically tested regardless of where they live.”

Likewise, the expert explained that currently, in Spain no difference at diagnosis And to treat hepatitis B, patients can be serologically tested regardless of where they live.

Spain, a pioneer in the elimination of hepatitis C

In recent years Spain has become Eliminate the most advanced countries hepatitis C, as explained by the doctor Javier CrespoHead of Digestive Services at the Marquis Valdesira University Hospital of Santander, thanks for the promotion of measures at the national and regional level, scientific associations and patient associations for actions or implementation Best practices for managing this infection. This means that the current prevalence of C virus is 3 to 4 times lower than that of B virus.

“Although this measure already exists in Galicia, Andalusia and Cantabria’s hepatitis C elimination plans, there are still differences and inequalities in early diagnosis between different regions.”

But he also exposed the country’s “unresolved task” in achieving elimination of hepatitis C, through three efforts to specific measures. The first is through universal screening, which experts advocate requires all adults to pass a simple blood test for antibodies to HCV (or opportunistic screening) at least once in their lives. “While this measure already exists in the Hepatitis C Elimination Program In Galicia, Andalusia and Cantabria, there are still Disparities and inequalities between regions for early diagnosis. In this sense, he emphasized the need for screening by emergency services, as they often treat patients who do not go to other care facilities.

In this sense, he emphasized the need for screening by emergency services, as they often treat patients who do not go to other care facilities.

Furthermore, Dr. Crespo insisted that comprehensive diagnosis to determine whether the patient have more than one viral infection (For example, you can tell if he has hepatitis C or HIV, not just hepatitis B), especially if he suspects an STI.

Finally, he explained that the exit plan Vulnerable Groups, by enhancing therapeutic diagnosis in patients at risk of reinfection, such as intravenous drug users, those engaging in chemical or drug-using behaviors, or those taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to reduce the likelihood of HIV infection, ETC. )

Hepatitis D, an emerging problem

this Hepatitis D That’s it more seriously Viral hepatitis, because infection with it can lead to serious liver problems (such as decompensation, cirrhosis, or hepatocellular carcinoma). In fact, the only hepatitis D treatment currently available in Spain is interferon, a drug that can only successfully suppress viral activity in a small number of treated patients and causes many side effects.However, new pharmacological advances have greater efficacy and tolerability for this disease, such as brevirtide, an FDA-approved antiviral European Medicines Agency (EMA, its English abbreviation), but the Spanish Medicines Agency has not yet approved medical equipment (Aemps), as Dr. explained. Martha is married in his speech.

Currently, the only hepatitis D treatment available in Spain is interferon, a drug that can only successfully suppress viral activity in a small number of treated patients and causes many side effects.

For all these reasons, experts explain the establishment of Technology Screening Strategy One example is One Step Diagnostics, a simple test that detects hepatitis D in all hepatitis B patients. “Currently this type of screening is performed in only 18% of patients with hepatitis B, when it should be performed in 100% of cases. The expert applauded the study, saying: “Patients”Prevalence of hepatitis virus infection in the Andalusian DeltaHe is currently participating in the project to find out what the disease really is and to be able to develop the most effective treatment strategies to eradicate it.

“We must be aware that hepatitis D is still Spain is underdiagnosedSince there are still patients infected with this disease in our country, we don’t know if they are infected because there is no screening.For all these reasons, autonomous regions must have Necessary tools for carrying out the diagnosis a step far. “

“This type of screening is currently performed in only 18% of patients with hepatitis B, when it should be done in 100% of patients.”

Overall, experts agree that Importance of role Digestive System Specialist Progression of viral hepatitis can be prevented by proper diagnosis (through screening tests for early detection) and therapeutic monitoring of such patients.

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