Virologist’s analysis clears doubts

The so-called “coronavirus“Leading to “everything is a lie”, given the limited information disseminated, virologists were called in to dispel all doubts.” The World Health Organization said in Stay vigilant after rising pneumonia cases This news can be seen in the pictures and texts of Cuatro’s evening program. As the news spread around the world, José Antonio Lopez stepped in with a clear statement on the show: “No, this is not a new epidemic.”

First, the main differences regarding coronavirus are highlighted: “It’s not a virus, it’s bacteria.It is spread all over the world and this is very frequent; In fact, many cases occur, and the vast majority are asymptomatic. “With this approach, Lopez has made it very clear that the alarms that seem to be triggered in different places should be contained. As for the symptoms, the professional clarified that, as a rule, it is it that materializes in “pharyngitis or bronchitis.”

According to his statement, only “in rare cases“The infection often progresses to the lungs to the point of ‘producing more severe cases such as pneumonia.'” It is this situation that has led the World Health Organization to ask the Chinese government for more information so that it can clarify what is happening, but Most importantly, the scale of the outbreak in question is huge. He also didn’t miss the opportunity, noting that the Asian country “often spreads very biased information.”

Secondly, the epidemiologists want to emphasize in “It’s All a Lie”: These pneumonia outbreaks are “more than 600 kilometers apart”; Distance warns the world about this infection: “It is strange because, as I said, this is a common bacterium. We must monitor whether China cooperates with all epidemiological surveillance centers to understand these sprouts How big.”

In fact, we are facing ” Bacteria distributed throughout the yearHowever, he also emphasized that most cases of infection occur in “late summer and late autumn”, causing problems such as headaches, fever or general discomfort. José Antonio López urges caution with coronavirus measures, stressing that it is appropriate to wear a mask regularly to prevent the spread of the common cold.

Pneumonia outbreak in China

he Emerging Disease Surveillance Program (ProMED) issued a notice last Tuesday warning of a possible epidemic of “undiagnosed pneumonia” among some children in northern China.The alarm on the large surveillance system occurred after various photos and videos were posted on social networks, in which one can see There’s a long queue at the hospital The waiting room was packed with parents with young children.

In fact, Shanghai Huashan Hospital reports something that worries many: Since last October, they have noticed an increasing influx of patients Respiratory Diseases. In this case, there is talk of the spread of known pathogens, while Beijing Children’s Hospital and another health center in northeastern Liaoning have collapsed.

Given the number of cases, Promed A large public global surveillance system was launched to monitor all infectious diseases and this one in particular.

While we wait to learn more details, the World Health Organization recommends measures to control and reduce infections Similar to the coronavirus pandemic. Professionals recommend resuming the use of masks and keeping distance from patients. Those who develop symptoms or have had close contact should isolate themselves at home, wash hands frequently, and maintain good ventilation.

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