Vomiting is not a disease.it’s about a symptom Furthermore, this condition manifests itself frequently, especially at a very early age. Most of the time it is associated with benign conditions, but may also reflect serious illness.
Vomiting is forced eviction Passage of stomach contents through the mouth. It is common in children and can occur due to different causes or infectious processes. It should not be confused with reflux. In this case, no effort is required and the amount is usually small, which is normal and common in young babies.
What causes this?
In pediatrics, there are multiple conditions This occurs when vomiting occurs, although in most cases, apart from gastroenteritis, otitis media, or pneumonia, they are caused by a viral, respiratory or urinary tract infection.
“When a child vomits, the so-called vagal reflex usually occurs, which makes the child become Pale and cold skin few minutes. There is no need to be afraid. It may even be accompanied by diarrhea,” explain them from the Pediatric Service of the General University Hospital of Catalonia (HUGC).
large amounts of liquid
Treatment depends on the cause, but it is recommended rest Because physical activity can increase nausea.It is also recommended to create a dietAlthough it is difficult for a child to become dehydrated by vomiting a few times without having diarrhea.
“After vomiting, stay for 30 minutes quickly Start taking oral rehydration salts available at drug stores (ORS) in divided doses, taking small amounts every five to ten minutes.The first priority is to ensure fluid intake》, recommend HUGC experts.
Develop eating habits
“After three or four hours, if the child does not vomit again, the diet should be started, taking into account the age of the child and dividing it up, without forcing him to eat,” advises a pediatrician at a hospital linked to the Quirónsalud group.
“If these babies were fed breast milk, But you should still insist on breastfeeding and feed in divided doses.if they are fed artificial milk, must maintain the same milk and concentration, feeding in divided doses.to that moment less than one year oldVegetables are recommended with potatoes, zucchini, green beans and carrots. For its part, the fruit is only that which the age permits, washed and peeled. If the child is older than one year, the diet should be introduced gradually and in portions with baked, boiled, steamed or oven-cooked foods,” clarifies experts from the General University Hospital of Catalonia.
what is desirable
Treatment to control vomiting depends on the cause of vomiting. Medication should be adjusted based on the child’s weight. There is no need to rush when using the medication.
At the same time, we must monitor for the emergence of other symptoms, such as changes in skin color, fever, or pain.In these cases, after verifying what you ate before symptoms appeared, you should go to the pediatricianthey will assess the characteristics of the urine and stool and whether there have been changes in the state of consciousness.
Likewise, you should consult a specialist if you cannot tolerate fluids, if the condition is worsened by severe diarrhea, if your child has a high fever, and if he or she shows signs of dehydration such as sunken eyes, dry mouth, weakness, or crying for no reason. tears.
Forbidden things
what you must do avoid Regardless, offer your child cocoa, chocolate, candies, legumes, flatulent vegetables, or richly seasoned, fatty, fried, or seasoned foods with sauces. Of course, ORS cannot be replaced with isotonic drinks.