VRAI or fake.No, Ronaldo hasn’t won 99 coups in Iran

In addition, Iranian, Spanish and French media confirmed that Portuguese football player Cristiano Ronaldo had committed adultery in Iran before wearing a bra to get married to his peers. Rumeur démentie par les autorités compétentes.

Here is a rumor that circulated on social media weeks and months later in certain Iranian, Spanish and French media outlets: International football player Cristiano Ronaldo could suffer 99 coups upon his return to Iran , car il y aurait été condamné pour heavenère. More are fake.

Contact franceinfo, the Iranian ambassador to France guarantees “ce sont des betises” It’s the perfect place to stay on the internet.Iran’s ambassador to Spain also has social connections Xformerly Twitter. “Nous démentons catégoriquement toute décision de Justice against tout sportif International”, ed.

Iranian Ambassador Dementi

Rumors of video interpretation posted on the Internet. Cristiano Ronaldo was in Iran on Wednesday for an Asian Champions League match with Saint Al-Nasser Football Club and was charged with 99 coups due to his illegal behavior and his son’s behavior, a man explained in Farsi. against Persepolis.

Cristiano Ronaldo meets Iran handicap player Fatemeh Hami. The Saudi club released a video of the scene, watching the Portuguese while offering the jersey, pressing the jersey into his bra, repeating the photo and the two previous actions. I believe this video is illegally related to this video.

Iranian media again accuses Ruida24 , Sharg and other names copied so completely from the text that football players “encourage” 99 coups, so many that they are usable “curse”. Fausse information repeat Spanish sports media suite brand so for the French media independent wait Radpesh .

Iran’s ambassador to Spain promises meeting “Sincère et humane avec Fatemeh Hamami is welcomed and admired by the people and sports authorities of various countries”.

Rumors about the judiciary

This rumor is “loin d’être une Premiere”. Cristiano Ronaldo has become the inventor or possible culprit of the judiciary.

Last year, the media thought it could be used for the logo of croix après avoir miss un but en Arabie saoudite. In April, others complained about “public indecency” against the genital party during a race. In January, another unsettling event occurred, and I was unable to fight my way through life as a Templar.

Now you’ve clicked, but Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t belong.

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