Wary of rare pneumonia affecting thousands of children in China, flooding hospitals

Many hospitals in China are overwhelmed Wave of undiagnosed childhood pneumonia in several cities, including Beijing, according to different reports. The ProMed Global Surveillance System issued a notification Tuesday night indicating an outbreak of the respiratory illness among minors.

this The situation of the Asian giant is shocking Refers to the first day of the COVID-19 outbreak. Children develop unusual symptoms, including lung inflammation and high fever, but do not develop cough or other symptoms typically associated with influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory illnesses.

Given the number of cases, ProMED – a project of the International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) – builds a large, publicly available global surveillance system The alert from agencies that monitor infectious diseases has drawn the attention of doctors and scientists, including officials from the World Health Organization.

ProMed stated in an editor’s note: “This report indicates a widespread outbreak of an undiagnosed respiratory illness… It’s unclear when the outbreak began, because it is unusual for so many children to be affected so quickly. ” He added that the report did not mention adultery, which suggested that schools may have been exposed to the situation. To this end, he said it was necessary to obtain more precise information to determine the cause and scope of the situation.

Thai media FTV News reported that Beijing Children’s Hospital remains overcrowded, they added, and “the situation in Liaoning Province is also severe.”

The same media confirmed that the lobby of Dalian Children’s Hospital was packed with sick children receiving intravenous drips. «Patients have to queue for two hours“We are all in the emergency department, there is no general outpatient clinic,” said a staff member at the health center.

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