Washing Machine Magic Button | Turn your washer into a dryer with this simple trick

Turn your washer into a dryer with this simple trickAxel Alvarez

this washing machine They are as useful as electrical appliances complicatedwhose control panel is hidden rarely used features Or don’t know at all so that Serve.However, not all secret These machines are located in buttons.There are some homemade tips With it, you can achieve results that exceed your expectations benefit For example, original parts of a washing machine Dry clothing.


Although most modern They already have drying procedures Fusionvast majority No they have This option, so Dryer Or hang your clothes to let them lose moisture.

Tip: Just use a towel

Tips for making your clothes dry faster in your washing machine

To perform this method, simply insert a towel Cover the drum from the inside. Once placed, clothing and center on Maximum powerwhich will result in absorb Most of the water.Therefore, while clothing does No They will come out completely dry and will just show some humidity on your fabric so finishing drying them will be super easy Easier.

This process will not only lead to save quite large timebut one more Less energy and money consumed Than by other means.

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