Categories: HEALTH

Watch out for hepatitis!Know your symptoms, prevention and treatment to avoid complications

Worldwide, an estimated 325 million people suffer from the disease chronically.

It can spread from person to person through contact with infected blood or other bodily fluids.

About 325 million people in the world suffer from chronic hepatitis, a disease characterized by inflammation of the liver that can be caused by different viruses, drugs or alcohol. It could even be the result of an autoimmune disease like lupus.

Read more: (Video) Five tips to avoid getting hepatitis at home or work

The World Health Organization pointed this out and ensured that it poses a huge challenge to public health today due to the fact that the disease is poorly understood and it is also classified as a silent disease. symptom.

“Hepatitis is a disease that can affect anyone, ranging in severity from mild to life-threatening. As a result, 1.4 million people worldwide die each year from viral hepatitis-related illnesses. In Costa Rica, an estimated 1,000 people die from This is the case,” said Esteban Ruiz, a gastroenterologist with a specialist in liver disease at the Metropolitan Hospital.

There are many types of hepatitis, including hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. Certain viruses can cause similar symptoms, but treatment and severity may vary.

“Hepatitis A is spread primarily through ingestion of water or food contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. This hepatitis usually clears up on its own without further treatment. Hepatitis B, for its part, is spread through contact with the blood, semen or blood of an infected person. Transmitted by other bodily fluids. This can be acute or chronic and mainly affects the liver”, explains the expert.

READ MORE: Rise in Hepatitis A cases puts fund authorities on alert

Hepatitis C is spread through blood. It is a chronic disease that can lead to severe liver damage and, in some cases, cirrhosis and liver cancer.

“Hepatitis D is a secondary infection that only occurs when you have a hepatitis B infection. Hepatitis D is a rare disease worldwide, including in Costa Rica, while hepatitis E is a Viral diseases transmitted by the route. -oral, which is not common in the country,” Ruiz emphasized.

Early detection and timely treatment are key to preventing serious complications. That’s because in some cases, it doesn’t present with noticeable symptoms, which can keep it unnoticed for years and eventually cause irreversible damage to the liver.

As with any disease, the prevention part is important, starting with vaccinations, but regular control is also important, which allows health professionals to consider the presence of disease, especially if there are signs and symptoms such as jaundice, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, Loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, light-colored stools, or fever.

“If you are infected, it is important to see a specialist, get an accurate diagnosis and start treatment to reduce damage to the liver, without losing sight of the fact that you must take precautions and follow a healthy lifestyle.” In some cases, the damage caused by hepatitis is reversible, especially when caught early. In other cases, treatment can delay disease progression, but complete cure is not always possible,” concluded the doctor.

about hepatitis

• There are five main types of hepatitis: A, B, C, D and E.
• Each disease spreads differently and can have different health consequences.
• Hepatitis A and E are spread by eating contaminated food or water.
• Hepatitis B, C and D are mainly spread through contact with infected blood, unprotected sex or sharing contaminated needles.

follow these tips

vaccination There are safe and effective vaccines to prevent hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
practice safe sex Always use condoms correctly to reduce the risk of transmitting hepatitis B and C during sex
avoid drugs
maintain good hygiene wash your hands often, especially before eating and after going to the toilet
Avoid unsafe food and water
accept screening Get appropriate treatment if you have risk factors, such as a history of blood transfusions or exposure to infected blood, and if a medical condition exists.

Source: Esteban Ruiz, gastroenterologist at Metropolitan Hospital, specializing in liver disease.

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