Watch Out for These 10 Self-Esteem Tips, According to Psychology

Self-esteem has become one of the most read and heard words on social media. The internet is full of tricks and secrets to enhance it, but, besides being effective or not, they show that there is widespread concern about this issue.

This concept refers to how a person evaluates and perceives himself, This directly affects their relationship with the environment and their well-being.

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines it as “the degree to which the qualities and characteristics contained in a person’s self-concept are perceived as positive. It reflects a person’s image or physical representation, visions of their achievements and abilities, and values and perceptions of success”.

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This self-acceptance is not vanity, but the fuel for emotional health, healthy relationships, and personal growth that leads to a full and fulfilling life.

In an article on the Psychology and Mind portal, Mariva Psicólogos details the five components of self-esteem.

1. Self-awareness

It includes understanding their characteristics, weaknesses, strengths and needs.

2. Self-assessment

With the defined characteristics, it is necessary to analyze how he evaluates these characteristics, that is, whether he thinks these characteristics are positive or negative.

3. Self-acceptance

“We can and want to change things about ourselves and others, things we may not like, but we have to accept them for who they are,” they wrote in their article.

4. Self-esteem

This is the first step to building healthy self-esteem. It’s about finding happiness, meeting identified needs, and treating yourself with love.

5. Positive self-esteem

This is the result of the above work. This healthy point is not underestimation or narcissism, but something you aspire to.

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the importance of self esteem

When a person has good self-esteem, they are more likely to have confidence in themselves, their abilities, and abilities. This can translate into better relationships and optimal development in the working world.

It can also improve mental health, as low self-esteem can be linked to issues like depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.

Additionally, it improves relationships as it develops healthier, more satisfying connections through restraint and adequate communication.

Likewise, in an article for “TopDoctors,” they state that people with good self-esteem are better able to withstand life’s challenges and adversity because they have more confidence in themselves and their ability to overcome obstacles.

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But how do you know if your self-esteem is high or low? This can be identified by the repeated positive or negative messages in your internal dialogue.

For example, if comments about your appearance, personality, or performance tend to be harsh, you may have self-esteem issues if you judge and deny yourself.

It must be remembered that this self-knowledge is built up from childhood. When people are brought up to be very authoritarian or very aloof, they don’t always learn to have healthy relationships with themselves and others, and may not grow up appreciating who they are or what they do.

But that doesn’t mean that people who aren’t well-bred can’t learn to love themselves.

It’s never too late. In fact, one of the important tasks of a human being is to learn to love oneself, and it is easier to love oneself if the child’s way of being is respected if he is raised with love and generosity.

10 Tips to Boost Your Self-Esteem

As mentioned earlier, working on developing self-esteem is important to improving our quality of life and emotional well-being.

“Cultivating self-esteem is probably one of the most important tasks we can undertake; it is a clear and sensible bet, one that is necessary and necessary

responsible,” says the Cipsia psychologist.

So here we are giving you 10 tips to work on yourself:

Remember that improving your self-esteem is a gradual process that takes time and effort. It is crucial to understand that human beings are not valued by external factors within themselves, but by their very nature. From there it’s easier to understand yourself, to know that you’re an imperfect human being, and to know that, just like you, you deserve to be loved.

Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to develop personally so you can live a more fulfilling life.

Laura Alejandra Albarracin Restrepo

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