water bottle on door

Leave a bottle of water at the door: This gesture is seen in more and more households (and it makes sense)castro ventosa

You’ve surely been in a situation like this when you’ve walked through the streets of a city and realized there’s a bottle of water on your doorstep. Curious, sure, but there’s a valid reason you might not be aware of: now’s the time to find out. Other times, you may see them near sidewalks or outside garages. This custom seems to have grown in popularity over the years, especially in Italy.

In recent years, it seems that more and more families have developed the habit of leaving a bottle of water at the door and it has become a part of daily life.. Is this a health issue or just a viral habit? Have you ever seen a plastic bottle filled with water sitting in front of your neighbor’s house? The reason is actually very simple. It seems that as long as one or several plastic bottles are placed outside the house, stray animals will keep urinating and urinating, thus marking their territory with smelly urine.

There are many people who are skeptical They think it’s nothing more than a myth, and bottles certainly don’t stop the urge to leave essentials lying around. Others around the world have adopted this belief, in fact, several people use the same tactic of leaving a bottle of water in front of their door. What’s more, even science talks about this. According to various detailed investigations, there is no basis for this rural belief to be confirmed, and its origin cannot be determined to this day.

A bay leaf is better than air freshener

Be comfortable and enjoy pleasant momentswe need our homes to maintain a constant amount of heat.and can It means there is a loss in our pockets. Furthermore, in order to create a peaceful atmosphere where we can relax, we should not only keep the room warm but also prepare The rooms are pleasantly decorated, the smells are not intrusive and the atmosphere is peaceful.

For this we offer you Little tricks our grandmothers have used.this The protagonist of this trick is the bay leaf.its purpose Will stop you from spending money on an aroma diffuser.it includes placing Fresh bay leaves on top of radiator.When heated, the leaves release Incredible, pleasant and delicate aroma, the smell in the house will be like never before. But it is also possible to dry the plant in a short time and reuse it to prepare infusions or as a condiment for dishes.

Laurel helps purify the house and freshens the air, no need to turn to other products as essential oils are used to treat bronchitis and flu.Even more surprising is that because Many people put bay leaves under their beds, sofa or other furniture.The reasons for this are undoubtedly favorable, viz. A true natural repellent that repels cockroaches, ants, moths and mice. But a good mood seems to have another possible benefit This aromatic plant promotes relaxation and relieves stress.

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