The purpose of its birth is to spread healthy eating and healthy lifestyle. Locally, it became the champion of products for people with celiac disease. After unstoppable growth on the social network, it has become a benchmark for food and cosmetics sustainability in the rest of the state. Blanca Gorrotxategi, owner of Organic 49, is a professional who provides us with daily beauty, health and nutrition advice from the Instagram universe (and in many cases infinite). It not only destroyed the number of digital channels; Your company also managed to cause some products to be out of stock, which caused real problems for suppliers.
– What makes this company so popular in Spain?
– We transformed our content strategy by listening to our customers’ questions and concerns. In July we started to notice a huge increase in interest. At that moment, our bet on social networks and our focus on WhatsApp doubled. After a few weeks, two “reels” on a specific topic went viral, and the inquiries and phone calls started. From then on, our daily lives became crazy. The impact was so great that in August we gained over 10,000 followers in 15 days. The “followers” have first and last names from Bascardi, Madrid, Barcelona… a real community. At that moment, I decided to go all out and serve all of these people personally. The spike was so unexpected that we had to adopt an alternative ordering and shipping system. Today, that account has grown to hundreds, creating complexity for management.
«Our “best sellers” are gluten-free bread and problem-specific personalized creams»
– What is your audience’s “goal”?
– 80% are women, mostly between 40 and 60 years old. Our clientele is essentially Basque, with a special influence on towns such as San Sebastian and Tolosa. Madrid and Barcelona have become our best territories besides Gipuzcoa.
– What do your followers want?
– solution. They asked me to listen to each situation and advise them on how to treat or improve skin problems (acne, fungus, dermatitis, hair problems, excessive sweating, lice, wounds…) as well as those related to meniscal pain Information on joint difficulties. And on the knees.
– What are Organic 49’s “best sellers”?
– Gluten-free bread is without a doubt our bestseller. Real bread, bread that people with celiac disease can enjoy. Best of all, personalized creams for specific problems. Our success depends on years of experience and experience. Each case is unique and non-transferable and we provide personalized solutions. We blend the necessary products in one store to treat and resolve problems at their source.
– Can you give us some tips for coping with the changing seasons?
– Taking magnesium and B vitamins are essential for changing your mood, and vitamin CD and zinc are essential for your immune system.
– And finally…how do you deal with success?
-(Laughs) Drink a vitamin smoothie every morning.