“we were friends about 10 years ago”

A promotional video for the comedy special Emergency Contact shows Amy Schumer asking the stars for help when she needs it.

Jennifer Lawrence rebukes Amy Schumer in Emergency Contact promo: '10 years ago we were almost friends'

Amy Schumer Netflix to return to screens with comedy special Emergency Contact And meanwhile a funny one was shared online Video,
In the video, the star tries to identify people who are reported as emergency contacts in case they are needed during medical procedures.

a video full of stars

Coming to Netflix June 13, Special Emergency Contact is a movie produced by Amy Schumer that stars Selena Gomez, Jennifer Lawrence, Chris Rock, Kim Kardashian, Larry David, Michael Cera, among many Hollywood and comedy stars.
In the video, the actress tells her husband Chris Fischer that she does not know whom to tell in the form in which she has been asked to give the number to contact in case of emergency. Jennifer Lawrence is the first to receive the call and answers: “We were almost friends like 10 years back. How did you get this number? I don’t want to join again. best of luck with your health problems,
Kim Kardashian, on the other hand, is available to help, while Chris Rock replied sarcastically: “Absolutely. If everything goes wrong, you should call me, like Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction. people will be calling for your death,

Amy Schumer: ‘Nobody can save us unless we do it ourselves’

Other stars contacted are Judd Apatow, who declares himself ready to shut down the machines in the event of a medical emergency, while Sam Rockwell defers the decision after Amy requests to care for her husband and son. Give, if something happens to him. Possible emergency contacts also include a little girl and a chihuahua.

The Emergency Contact special was filmed at the Orpheum Theater in Los Angeles and is Amy Schumer’s third comedy special after The Leather Special and Growing Up.

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