John Carpenter – The Legend The world’s first book magazine dedicated to one of the greatest American directors.
A revolutionary project capable of combining book and magazine: a hybrid that combines interviews with the distinctive insight of essay writing, gathering the main elements of the private and artistic life of a cult figure, multifaceted and master of his style.
John Carpenter’s almost surgical precision in depicting society, the imagination hidden beyond the darkness within each of us, has cemented him as the progenitor of a way of thinking and cinema making that has no equal. Because if it is true that there are men who have been able to set themselves apart from others, there are others who, like Carpenter, were born to be a legend…
John Carpenter – The Legend It is, finally and above all, an act of love, a desire to collect as much as possible to give a complete picture of an extraordinary artist and a tribute to a writer who still resonates in the collective imagination today with his visionary. Stories.
The first volume of the book-magazine will be available in a deluxe edition printed on glossy paper in 500 numbered copies at all comic stores and bookstores starting June 20.
A project curated by Luigi Boccia, Jade Cecchinelli And Luca Borri,
Contributed by: Giovanni Toro, Marco Santucciano, Roberto Lasagna, Edoardo Rosati, Massimo Moscati, Mario Gelotti, Fabio Zanello, Giovanni Ascolani.
Cover by Giorgio Finamore.