“We’re Allowed to Have Opinions”: Elle Fanning and Jenna Ortega Talk | TV

In a double-headed and self-conducted interview for Variety, Jenna Ortega (Wednesdays in the series of the same name) Ed Eli fanning (by Catherine the Great Great) Discuss his career and personal life.

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Both the actresses talked about the auditions, how they failed some and how they were treated badly by some of the casting directors. says Eli fanning About his audition:

I’m terrible. I fainted once. I think I was twelve years old.

tell instead Jenna ortega,

The first time I got scouted for an audition, it was a three-hour drive from home. So my mom said to me, “Hey, do you want to practice?” And I replied: “No, I can do it.” I went in and I didn’t make it. My voice cracked.

Wednesday Tim Burton Cello

with elle fanning Great Jenna Ortega turns producer for the first time and so will the second season Wednesday, The latter states:

It was a natural progression. With a character like Wednesday who is so sweet, I didn’t want to make any mistakes. So I tried to interact with the writers as much as possible. We decided what worked and what didn’t. In preparation for Season 2, we wanted to make sure we started having these conversations as soon as possible.

Fanning comments on the role of producer:

When you start acting at a young age, you start to realize “I want to say more.” And the advice is always “do your own thing.” For a long time I was like, “Oh my god, I need to listen to adults.” But when you think about it, we’ve been acting for a long time and we’ve been on a lot of sets. We are entitled to have opinion.

Elle Fanning asks her colleague if she can release some spoilers about the second season of Wednesday,

We decided we wanted to dive further into the horror. We’re leaving out any romantic interests, which is a great thing. We will be black, black.

For her show, Fanning instead says she stopped reading history books, where Catherine the Great was remembered only for gossip about her having sex with a horse.

initial form of embarrassing slut In a sense, because she had many lovers and loved sex. I had to create my own version of Caterina, who wasn’t always the strongest woman in the room. I love complicated women.


The interview ended with both the actresses talking about their relationship on social media. Ortega confesses:

After the show I’m so nervous about posting or even saying anything on social media or just being myself. (…) I am sarcastic or outspoken by nature, it is very easy for me to get into trouble. I want people to be able to get to know the people behind the camera and understand that people should never be put on a pedestal.

Elle Fanning agrees and says:

Once I didn’t get a part because I didn’t have enough followers. They told me “You are great, but your numbers…”

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