We’ve got 14 sure-fire tips to improve your focus

One of the most complex challenges we face in our workday (work) or academic (study) is Stay focused. According to a study by Microsoft, the human attention span is 8 seconds, compared with 12 seconds at the end of the last century.

(“Atomic Habits” or how to change your life with small actions)

This happens because we are used to doing Perform many different tasks simultaneously, This can impact productivity and the correct execution of tasks, resulting in unfinished activities or excessive time spent on unnecessary tasks.

To increase productivity and end the dreaded procrastination, we have 14 foolproof tips Improve your focus and get more done.

  1. Learn the difference between overloaded and overwhelmed: When we are overloaded, we have to do less.when we Overwhelmed, we must think less and do more.
  2. keep asking yourself: How can we get twice the result with half the effort? Then apply the answers to your life.
  3. Definitely intolerant of multitasking: Trying to do multiple things at once will greatly reduce your effectiveness at doing anything. Do one thing at a time.
  4. Write down your goals every day: The act of writing them down, whether they’re like short-term “process” goals or long-term goals written down every day, will solidify them in your consciousness.
  5. Rely less on stimulants to focus and more on natural focus: Most of us are so addicted to sugar, carbs, and coffee that we’ve forgotten what truly relaxing mindfulness is.
  6. Enjoy priority: You can’t work better than someone who has fun. No matter what, the most productive people find a way to enjoy what they do.
  7. Learn about the glycemic index (GI): High GI foods, such as bread, white rice, and crackers, can cause insulin spikes and depressed mood. Low GI foods can keep your mood stable and increase your focus up to 10 times throughout the day.
  8. Avoid cheap dopamine: Stimulants like social media and video games stimulate your dopamine receptors. This means it becomes difficult for you to be motivated for “everyday” things like writing.
  9. Stop customizing everything: Now you don’t need “confidence” or any other nonsense. You need to focus on the next small step. This is focus.
  10. Decide on a purpose: Purpose is something you have to create. Why do you do what you do? You are unlikely to find an excuse with a solid written justification.
  11. Requirements Responsibility: Find a partner or coach to report back on work done or habits maintained. The fear of disappointing others motivates you to maintain strict discipline.
  12. Love is boring: Most people have trouble paying attention because they hate being bored. If you can keep at it when you’re bored until creativity kicks in, you’ll have an advantage.
  13. to form a habit: Like goals, design your ideal routine in a way that works for you. What do you do at a given time most days without distractions to stay focused?
  14. Track your key metrics: What 3 or 4 key results show you are making progress toward your goals? For example, newsletter subscription. follow up. This will motivate you and get you moving in the right direction.

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