What are the four stages of pneumonia symptoms?

Symptoms of this lung disease initially resemble a cold or flu and may be moderate or severe.maybe even life threatening,according to World Health Organization (WHO).

The main reasons include Infections caused by bacteria, fungi or viruseslike the same one that gave rise to Covid-19.

This is also very common infect People who are hospitalized for other health reasons.

Another feature of this machine is pneumonia It’s the patient’s experience four different stages. Understanding them is one way to keep an eye on the development of infection.

symptoms of pneumonia

according to mayo clinic America’s pneumonia “This is an infection that causes inflammation of one or both of the air sacs in the lungs. The air sacs may fill with fluid or purulent material, causing coughing, phlegm or pus, fever, chills, and difficulty breathing.”

Pneumonia can cause difficulty breathing. Photo: Shutterstock.Pneumonia can cause difficulty breathing. Photo: Shutterstock.

this Acquired pneumonia is the most common And it happens outside of the hospital. Some bacteria (Streptococcus pneumoniae) cause lobar pneumonia, which can occur on its own or after a cold or flu.

Less serious condition outpatient pneumonia, produced by an organism similar to bacteria (Mycoplasma pneumoniae), does not require rest or hospitalization. On the other hand, people with chronic health problems or weakened immune systems may be affected by different types of fungi.

As for Virussome of the same factors that cause colds or flu can also cause pneumonia. Viral pneumonia is common in children under five years old and is usually mild but can be very serious. This is the case with the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, which causes severe pneumonia.

The disease can be more or less severe. In infants and young children, the condition is more severe.according to World Health Organization Is Leading cause of death among children worldwide. It also means people over 65 and those with other health conditions or weakened immune systems are at greater risk.

exist. .between pneumonia symptomsthis mayo clinic Highlights: Chest pain when breathing or coughing; difficulty breathing; cough with phlegm; fever, sweats, and chills; nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Additionally, adults over the age of 65 may become disoriented, while young children often show no symptoms in some cases, the report said.

pneumonia. If the body temperature is higher than 39°C, please seek medical attention immediately. Photo: Shutterstock.pneumonia. If the body temperature is higher than 39°C, please seek medical attention immediately. Photo: Shutterstock.

If you have any of these symptoms (especially difficulty breathing, chest pain, persistent cough or pus, and a temperature persistently above 39°C) you should Emergency consultation with a doctor. Especially if the patient is under two years old or over 65 years old.

As for stages of lung infection Can distinguish:

  1. congestion. When fluid containing infectious microorganisms has accumulated in the alveoli of the lung tissue.
  2. Red hepatitis. During this time red blood cells enter the fluid to fight infection. Gray hepatitis. Red blood cells begin to break down, but immune cells remain.
  3. Gray hepatitis. Red blood cells begin to break down, but immune cells remain.
  4. solve. This occurs when these cells begin to eliminate the infection and coughing expels any remaining fluid from the lungs.

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