What are the main sources of vitamin C to help the immune system

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body.

this Vitamin C It is an essential nutrient for the human body. However, since you can’t produce vitamins yourself, it’s important to know how much to consume each day and how to consume them to get the most out of each of their benefits.

As the cold sets in, it’s common for people to start getting a different type of flu from climate change. Although there are a variety of therapies that can help us fight these diseases, Oranges are a great source of vitamin C, which protects against colds and other types of illness.

As for colds and other diseases, Vitamin C is Vital for the Immune System.

When talking about this vitamin, Due to the high nutritional content of this fruit, it will soon become associated with oranges.

Almost all fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C.

Almost all fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C.

this Orange is essentially an antioxidant that helps prevent cellular oxidation. In addition to beta-carotene, it provides fiber, water, and vitamins B and C, which contribute to better absorption of calcium and iron, and can be a benefit for anemic patients.

Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, the body is responsible for excreting excess vitamins stored in the body through urine (except for vitamin B12, which can be stored in the liver), so taking this vitamin is the key to constantly choosing food types to get the most out of it benefit.

In this sense, its consumption is essential for the growth and development of the youngest. Also known as ascorbic acid, it is a nutrient that acts as an antioxidant and helps protect cells.

Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables.

On the other hand, the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Linus Pauling conducted a survey in one of his books and he concluded that: Taking in the necessary proportion of vitamin C every day reduces the chance of catching the flu by 45%.

Added to this fruit, The rest of the orange vegetables are also rich in beta-carotene, a carotenoid substance with strong antioxidant capacity.This substance reduces the action of free radicals, and Aids in respiratory care.

These types of fruits and vegetables also contribute to Slows premature aging and heart disease risk. In addition, it contains high amounts of minerals such as potassium and calcium, which help regulate blood pressure.

Citrus fruits, a source of vitamin C.

Citrus fruits, a source of vitamin C.

Foods with the highest vitamin C content come from natural juices or through eating fruit or vegetables without prior cooking.. The richest sources of this nutrient are oranges and grapefruit, melons, red fruits such as strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, watermelon, mangoes and kiwis.

What is the vitamin C intake according to age?

Since it is not a nutrient produced by the body itself, people must consume a daily dose of Vitamin C What it takes to be aware at this point is that everyone should consult their trusted physician. These values ​​vary according to the sex and age of the person.

Chapter V of the Argentine Food Code recommends a daily intake of 45 mg for the general population, 55 mg during pregnancy and 70 mg during lactation.To control daily consumption Vitamin COne kilogram of oranges contains about 500 mg.

Next, How much vitamin C to consume according to age, according to general parameters:

  • Infants under 6 months: 40 mg
  • Infants 7 to 12 months: 50 mg
  • Children 1 to 3 years old: 15mg
  • Children 4 to 8 years old: 25 mg
  • Children 9 to 13 years old: 45 mg
  • Adolescents (men) ages 14 to 18: 75 mg
  • Adolescents (girls) ages 14 to 18: 65 mg
  • Adults: 90 mg for men, 75 mg for women
  • Pregnant women: 85mg

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