What are the symptoms of the flu and COVID-19? – finance

Cold front season has begun, which means decline The temperature of various entities in our country.With this, it is possible Get ill Flu, it’s possible confused Related to COVID-19.

But so what about all this? Infect COVID-19 outbreak in Mexico?According to records Data MexicoAs of August 22, there were 3,772 confirmed cases of infection. There were 16 deaths and 46,574 suspected cases.

In addition, 4.3% of infected people were hospitalized.Data shows an increase in infections starting in August, confirmed by doctors Francisco Moreno, Physicians and epidemiologists.

Therefore, it is recommended to use Face mask Avoid getting the flu, COVID-19, or any other respiratory illness.

What are the symptoms of influenza?

According to the University Clinic of Navarra, the outbreak influenza They occur mainly in winter. This is a mild illness but can become serious in older adults or people with heart disease.

The first symptoms of the flu are Headache, fever, general malaise, and muscle and joint pain.

Related symptoms respiratory tract: Cough, sore throat, runny nose. The intensity and duration of these vary from person to person.

Some less common symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Discomfort should improve within the first 72 hours.

On the other hand, respiratory symptoms may deterioration Lasts two to six days. If this occurs, influenza pneumonia may develop.

What is the treatment for influenza?

he treat For the flu, analgesics, especially paracetamol, are often used to treat muscle aches and headaches. Doctors also recommend proper rest and hydration.

There are also several antiviral drugs specific to influenza viruses, such as zanamivir and oseltamivir, but they are not widely available and are only recommended for people with immune system problems.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Nearly four years after the virus was discovered and the first people infected in China, COVID-19 symptoms are changing all the time. Even as variants continue to evolve.

Coronavirus symptoms confused with flu symptoms, but there are standards to follow, including getting tested prove Confirm or deny the diagnosis so appropriate treatment can be instituted.

Symptoms of COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Appear 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus.

these are symptom: Cough, shortness of breath, fever, muscle aches, fatigue, headache, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat and diarrhea.

In addition to people’s vaccination status, symptoms can also shift from one variant to another, the CDC said.

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