What can’t dogs and cats eat during National Day?

The long-awaited National Day has arrived and food is an important part of celebrating with family and friends, although not all family members will be able to finish all the typical dishes because Some foods are harmful to the body pet.

Around September 18, you can enjoy traditional grilled meats, as well as table staples such as empanadas or Anticuchos, which cannot be shared with dogs or cats.

NUP!Pets veterinarian Camila Jara explained to La Tercera that “Generally speaking, any food considered Class 18 is not suitable for animal consumption.“.

Experts point out that one of the foods that pets are prohibited from eating is Empanadas. “Its ingredients include onions, garlic, raisins and other seasonings and is considered Toxic to dogs and cats“, said Jarrah.

Added to this is Meat and choripanesbecause “they can include Pungent condiments For pets, in addition to being high in fat, it is also harmful to their health. “

Dogs and cats can’t eat typical Fourth of July foods. Reference photos.

It should be taken into account that if a dog or cat consumes this type of food, its body will develop a series of complications, as detailed by veterinarians.

“can produce Poisoning by certain ingredients, gastrointestinal disorders such as gastroenteritisi.e. inflammation of the stomach and intestines,” he added.

Inconveniences faced by pets include symptoms such as:

  • stomach ache.
  • Vomit.
  • diarrhea.
  • Loss of appetite

“Apart from, Insufficient bone consumption can lead to intestinal obstructionthis is a very serious matter as it may require surgical intervention,” Jarrah added.

For those pets interested in food prepared at home, veterinarians recommend trying Distract their attention with stimulationsuch as using interactive toys.

To this add “Give them food ahead of time to reduce interest in food and scents. Additionally, using probiotics is an excellent way to prevent the degree of gastroenteritis in your pet and reduce anxiety levels. “

If the animal develops any health problems, it is necessary go to the vet and provide detailed information about the food you eat.

In addition, experts emphasize that “Never induce vomiting without consulting to vets and Avoid giving home remedies“.

“The most important thing is to stay calm and pay attention to possible behavioral changes and symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, difficulty breathing, etc. If you need to wait, keep your pet in a safe place and finally follow your veterinarian’s instructions to ensure Its healthy,” he noted.

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