written in science he
¿what color is the sun? This seems more obvious than the problem. However, the answer is far from what we see with the naked eye every day, because although it may seem like a logical answer, the color of our great star is not always yellow. Even though it looks weird, sometimes it takes on different colors and sometimes even gets weird.
National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Definition sun As one of the billion stars that exist in the universe, its gravity is so strong that it holds all the objects in the solar system in orbit around it.
Its components are mainly helium and hydrogen.The energy it emits comes from its core, where matter is converted into vitalitythanks to the fact that in said core the pressure is more than a thousand times that of the Earth’s atmosphere, and in addition the density is 160 times that of water, not to mention that it records a temperature of about 16 million degrees Celsius.
At present, it is estimated that sun More than four million tons of matter are converted into energy every second, which in turn is converted into Light into space, and part of it reaches Earth.
What color is the sun?
The answer that millions of people can immediately give is that their color yes yellow. Maybe some say it is orange, some even say it is reddish or even white.butWhat is the true color of the sun? The answer isn’t just one, it depends on several factors.
The first thing that comes to mind when someone asks something color It’s him sun It’s yellow. Although this color perception is constant, it must be said that this is due to optical effects associated with the Earth’s atmosphere and its particles, which interfere with the propagation of photons, causing colors in the spectrum to differ from each other. Others are on their wavelength.
When white light enters the atmosphere and encounters these particles, color Smaller wavy colors, like blue or purple, tend to be lost or blurred, leaving room for those with higher wavy colors, which in this case are red, orange, and yellow, which are our The color that stars usually have.
Now, if we had the chance to leave Earth, we could see sun of White, this is because there are no particles of any kind in space that can diffract the smallest waves in the spectrum. The fact that yellow dominates is not only due to the convergence of red waves, but also because they manage to achieve certain green tones.
but if we see sun More common in the afternoon color Orange or even red. The reason has to do with Rayleigh scattering, an optical phenomenon that causes the star to appear in different hues of color depending on the angle at which it is viewed. This way, when sunset comes, it’s closer to the horizon, so the color with the greatest impact is more likely to be red.
can you imagine a sun green?Scientific evidence shows that there is a small peak in the emission at the wavelength corresponding to the tone in question colorthis phenomenon may be related to the age of the star and the energy emissions it converts into light.
Therefore, trying to say that the sun only has a single color (e.g. yellow) throughout the day would be somewhat imprecise, given the factors above.
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