What experts think are the benefits of lemon ginger tea?

drink infusion Provides many health benefits. One of them is recommended by world experts for its remarkable properties: Ginger tea with lemon.

“Infusion is a natural health remedy that adds to physical activities and a change habits”, summarizes an article on the portal Harvard University.

Tea is part of many people’s daily lives. Whether consciously or unconsciously, people who consume them take advantage of numerous benefits.

Considering the number of products that can be prepared and the products suitable for every taste, their effects go beyond the organic ingredients contained in them.

Mostly they are used to Accelerate metabolism, help Burn accumulated fatcontrol appetite or satiety when losing weight, better rest or tranquilizers, the list is very extensive, explained on the spot body and mind.

he ginger and lemon They are two common ingredients in home kitchens. Both are famous for their culinary uses, not to mention, they’re also part of a plethora of home remedies.

Here are some benefits of drinking this tea every day.

Fights indigestion

This tea can relieve abdominal pain and indigestion. Photo Shutterstock.This tea can relieve abdominal pain and indigestion. Photo Shutterstock.

One of the most well-known benefits of using ginger root is Improvement of nausea and vomiting Caused by pregnancy and chemotherapy, according to scientific research published by the organization National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In this sense, it is noteworthy that it also improves Empties the stomach and has anti-inflammatory effects. Yes, more research is still needed to verify its benefits for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or gastroenteritis.

Beneficial to the respiratory system

Please have a hot drink if necessary Congested or cold This is a comforting regular practice that can provide some relief at the same time.Ginger and lemon infusion options with respiratory tract.

An article in the magazine reads: “Ginger can soften and provide moisture to the respiratory tract. This can improve coughs, colds and inflammation of the mucous membranes.” Jundishapur Natural Medicinal Products Magazine.

Prevent heart disease

Ginger helps prevent cardiovascular risks.Ginger helps prevent cardiovascular risks.

According to a study in the journal Nutritiondaily consumption of ginger can have positive effects Prevent cardiovascular risk. Especially in the face of high blood pressure and coronary heart disease.

As authors Chin and Mustafa point out, its antioxidant effects are important in preventing and Oxidative stress.

Reduce bad cholesterol

Ginger and lemon tea has the following additional benefits: Helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) Since both foods contain antioxidants.

Therefore, it helps cholesterol Does not accumulate in arteries They also help the liver process it more efficiently, making it easier to eliminate from the body.

Stimulate metabolism to achieve weight loss

Ginger and lemon juice help burn fat and lose weight.Ginger and lemon juice help burn fat and lose weight.

Experts point out that this preparation can Easily burn calories, satisfy your appetite and help you lose weight.

One of ginger’s properties is its ability to stimulate appetite, but it is also a suppressant.This means it can help the stomach produce more acid It also burns fat and makes you feel fuller.

strengthen immune system

According to research, another role of vitamin C in the body is to support the activity of immune system cells. Authors Carl and Magini for magazine Nutrients.

On the one hand, it is necessary to maintain an adequate and durable response to the presence of pathogens and to protect the tissue from possible excessive damage.

After studying mice, a study in the journal Nutrition Frontier This infusion has been shown to activate the immune system when taken daily.

In times of stress and anxiety, a cup of ginger lemon tea. Photo: ShutterstockIn times of stress and anxiety, a cup of ginger lemon tea. Photo: Shutterstock

Fight stress

he Emotional state and mental health They do not cease suffering in haste, tension, and emergencies of all kinds;

Faced with these problems, Vitamin B6 in this infusion stimulates happiness receptors, enhances good mood and avoids any possible depressive state. It also helps calm the nervous system, relieve pressure.

How to Prepare Lemon Ginger Tea

Ingredients and preparation

The best way to prepare ginger lemon tea.The best way to prepare ginger lemon tea.
  • 1 piece of ginger root, about 2 cm, peeled.
  • 1 cup water (200-250ml).

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