What happened in the Las Vegas Cristiano Ronaldo rape case?

The 2009 rape case against Cristiano Ronaldo has become public again as his lawyers are urging courts in the United States where the incident took place to sanction the woman who reported it to the star and her husband. The defense tried to reopen the case.

The complainants would have asked the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse the dismissal of the case, ending the investigation, writing in the filing that the plaintiffs “You lost your chance to pursue this case.”. Everything could start over again if the current application is accepted, although this is unlikely to happen.

It should be noted here that in the United States, the principle of “ne bis in idem” applies, which states: “No person shall be tried twice for the same crime.”. This further complicates the intention to reopen the case, although it is possible, as long as the Al Nasser star has not been acquitted in the past.

The incident reportedly took place in Las Vegas. At the time, the woman involved also claimed that she was forced to receive money to remain silent, amounting to approximately $375,000. However, her repeated attempts to make public the confidentiality contract she had signed with the footballer suggested she was intent on revealing what he said there.

Cristiano, who was unable to enter the North American country at the time, did not remain silent and dared to speak to the media: “Everything that is being posted is false. This is fake news. They want to use my name to promote themselves”. He also added: “Rape is an abhorrent crime that goes against everything I am and believe in. While I can clear my name, I refuse to contribute to the media spectacle created by those who seek to promote themselves at my expense. “

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