What he had to say about his celebration and possible sanctions from the NBA

Los Angeles Lakers beat houston rockets Increased from 105 to 104 LeBron James Excellent, 37 points; however, his celebration sparked controversy: he pretended to smoke marijuana, and the NBA may sanction him.

LeBron is sanctioned by the NBA?

This Sunday, Los Angeles Lakers won a close game houston rockets Leading 105 to 104 thanks to LeBron James’ outstanding performance. In the previous article, he announced an outstanding performance while playing, and the statistics showed that King scored at least 30 points in 108 games in a Lakers jersey, to which the star responded: “But I’m just here to make a movie. !”

Against the Rockets this time, James scored 37 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists, causing controversy. He celebrated and stirred up controversy like he was smoking weed. The NBA could even sanction him.

LeBron James on the celebrations

ESPN NBA analyst Stephen Smith shared a video of King’s celebration on his social network, to which he responded: “Stay off the grass!”

What sanctions will the NBA take?

According to the latest example, NBA Sanctions can be imposed LeBron James Because its celebration is related to cannabis.

October 31, 2023, league sanctions Joel Embiid The celebration was considered obscene, but the King case was different because the NBA changed its stance on marijuana under a collective agreement with the players association; after that link, weed was removed as a prohibited substance.

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