What is acute infectious bronchitis like the one the Pope has?

“The pope’s condition is stable and he does not have a fever, but the swelling of the lungs associated with respiratory problems persists”

The Argentine pope, who will celebrate his 87th birthday on December 17, confirmed during the audience that his “flu” is still not good.

What is acute infectious bronchitis like the one the Pope has?

  • Diego Buenos Aires
  • OKDIARIO Health News Specialist; responsible for communications and journalism for the Leon School of Nursing. Previously, he was editor-in-chief of Crónica el Mundo de León and collaborator of Onda Cero. Received the Gold Medal of the Leon Provincial Council for his information and dedication to the Province of Leon and as the author of books such as “The Art of Caring”.

Francis He has been ill for several weeks. But what happened to the Bishop of Rome?He himself disclosed his illness after meeting with seminar participants Health Management Ethics » before an audience in the Vatican. “Thank God, this is not pneumonia, but a very acute, contagious form of bronchitis.” He also assured that he does not have a fever and is continuing to recover. antibiotic.

He also explained today why doctors advised him not to do so. Travel to Dubai participate COP 28 Climate Summit: “The reason is that it’s very hot out there and you switch from heating to air conditioning. And that’s not convenient in this bronchial situation.

“Yes, thank you. As you can see, I’m still alive. The doctors won’t let me go to Dubai (…) Thank God it’s not pneumonia. “This is a very acute form of infectious bronchitis,” the pope clarified.

” conditions of The Holy Father is in stable condition and has no fever.but the swelling of the lungs associated with respiratory problems remains,” the Vatican confirmed in a statement.

«Health has an opposite side, it is both strong and fragile. How healthy he is, how strong he is, how strong he is, but he’s also fragile. Poor health leads to fragility.i really like Preventive Medicine, Because it prevents events before they happen,” the pope told seminar participants.

He added: “I appreciate what they are doing. Not only looking for medical, pharmacological solutions, but also valuing health, that is, thinking about the benefits of health. And how to preserve this beauty. Not only to heal, but to preserve. This It’s your job, thank you for coming.”

«Forgive me for not being able to say more, but I don’t have the courage. So what I want to do is greet them,” the pope added in the morning before an audience of seven.

argentine popeHe, who will celebrate his 87th birthday on December 17, confirmed at the hearing that he was still not doing well with the “flu”.

What is acute bronchitis?

Acute bronchitis is inflammation of the trachea and its branch airways (bronchi) caused by infection. It is usually caused by a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. Symptoms are a cough that may or may not produce mucus (phlegm). Diagnosis is mainly based on symptoms. Treatments such as fever reducers and cough suppressants can help patients feel better until the crisis is over.

Bronchitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute bronchitis usually lasts from days to weeks. If the condition lasts for months or years, it is usually classified as chronic. When people say “bronchitis,” they usually mean the acute pathology, and this section discusses only the latter type.

When people with chronic disease have reduced airflow into the lungs when they exhale (airflow obstruction), they are considered to have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or other chronic lung disease (such as bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis) develops symptoms of acute bronchitis, doctors will consider them to be episodes (exacerbations) of the underlying disease rather than acute bronchitis.

Causes of acute bronchitis

Usually viruses (most common), but also bacteria. Therefore, in general, bronchitis almost always occurs in the winter.

Viral infections can be caused by several common viruses, including influenza viruses and viruses that cause the common cold. Acute bronchitis may also be part of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Even after the viral infection clears up, the resulting irritation can last for weeks.

Less than one in 20 cases of bronchitis is caused by bacteria.The infected person is Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Bordetella pertussis (causing whooping cough) is one of the bacteria that causes acute bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is more likely to be caused by bacteria when many people in the same area are affected (an outbreak).

There are many causes of cough in adults besides acute bronchitis. The causes of cough in children are similar to those in adults.

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