What is it and why might it explain why you fall asleep at the wrong time?

For many, this may seem like a first-world problem, considering that we Spaniards lead the way when it comes to insomnia, but as we have told you here at Goal, it is indeed the case. Drowsiness – not to be confused with drowsiness – It exists and is a rare sleep disorder.

Narcolepsy is subjectively affected by the patient and difficult to diagnose. It can be summarized as falling asleep too easily during the day. At least from a clinical perspective, we’re not talking about normal sleep habits; Enabled by circadian rhythm. Quite the opposite. Untimely naps, which may occur at work, while driving, or just while sitting, occur all too frequently and without any apparent reason.

This is not a catch-up sleep, nor is it a welcome nap. In fact, it is also not associated with difficulty sleeping at night and can even occur during the night. Someone who can sleep well. In these cases, sleepiness is considered excessive sleepiness, and as we’ll see below, it can have a variety of causes.Although logically, too much sleep is associated with People who have trouble sleeping.

What is obvious is that this occurs in the morning or during the day with naps or sleep.The Clinic of the University of Navarra states that this is a Symptoms from different sources. Some have to do with sleep control itself, but there are other reasons as well.

Understanding narcolepsy

Woman fell asleep at work with open eyes sticker on eyelids
There are many factors that determine insomnia, but there are also some more relevant factors. ©Freepik.

Generally speaking, narcolepsy is defined as excessive daytime sleepiness.as they explained MSD Brochurecan be synthesized into “Too sleepy or fell asleep during the day”. There are the most diverse reasons behind her.

Some patterns will be determined by other diseases.Some of these may be neurological Others may be directly related to the control of sleep and wakefulness.. For example, in the second case we see a clear relationship with sleep apnea. However, there are many more causes, such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, hypothyroidism, or certain brain diseases.

It may also be due to Consumption of certain medications. Some medications can be considered obvious, such as sedatives, hypnotics, antidepressants, and anxiolytics. However, they are not alone. Other medications not previously prescribed for psychiatric or sleep treatment may have effects. This is the case with antihistamines that treat allergies., as well as antihypertensive or antiepileptic drugs. All of these can lead to excessive sleep for a variety of reasons.

always? Obviously not, but they can be a risk factor.However, you can give There are certain comorbidities between diseases. For example, people with depression often suffer from insomnia, which eventually leads to subsequent somnolence.

Regardless, the reality of oversleeping must be looked for earlier in its more obvious aspects: sleep deprivation.in fact it is The most common reasons why this happens This is related to poor sleep hygiene. Night or shift jobs can encounter this problem. This excessive sleepiness is also often explained by people who sleep less than seven hours a day. This could explain this hypersomnia study conducted by the Neurology Department of the Hospital of Navarra.

Difference Between Narcolepsy and Narcolepsy

An insomniac man lying on the sofa
In many cases, too much sleep forces patients to fall asleep at inopportune times. ©Freepik.

They may appear to be synonyms, but they are not. In the first case, as we saw before, excessive sleepiness can lead to decreased daily performance. Although they look the same, Sleepiness is defined as the inability to stay awake during the day. Therefore, people with narcolepsy need a lot of sleep. Otherwise, occasional sleep attacks, called “sleep attacks,” may occur.

This is no small matter. What is Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) May affect 30% of the Western population, According to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. It’s obvious that people with EDS experience serious difficulties every day. These people have lower work or school performance, poorer quality of life, or a higher risk of death at work (such as accidents).

How to Fight Narcolepsy

There are no shortcuts or magic secrets. Logically, this is all a vicious cycle that must be ended by sleeping more and better. However, if this does not happen, you should consult your doctor to determine the cause. First check whether it is pharmacological factors Then, look for causes that may be related to neurological disorders or mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression.

A woman fell asleep on the sofa
Improving sleep hygiene can help reduce excessive sleep. ©Freepik.

Beyond that, the key appears again. The most common recommendations include improving sleep hygiene in a ventilated room, at a moderate temperature, avoiding overeating at dinner, and removing screens and stimulating elements later in the day.return Continue physical exercise – Definitely not at night – avoiding stress and consuming products such as coffee, tea or alcohol can help.

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