What is respiratory syncytial virus – El Heraldo de Chiapas

During respiratory illness season, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is of concern as the most common viral cause of severe lower respiratory tract illness, such as bronchiolitis and pneumonia, which disproportionately affects infants.

RSV is an RNA virus belonging to the Paramyxoviridae family that initially presents with mild symptoms and may be confused with the common cold. However, its ability to develop more severe complications and its propensity for hospitalization in young children make it a matter of great public health concern.

One of the most troubling aspects of RSV is its contagious period, which can begin a day or two before an affected person develops symptoms. In more worrisome cases, such as in infants and people with weakened immune systems, transmission of the virus may continue even after symptoms have stopped, for up to four weeks.

RSV is spread primarily through respiratory droplets expelled when coughing or sneezing and through contact with surfaces contaminated with respiratory secretions. This emphasizes the importance of preventive measures such as frequent hand washing and awareness of personal hygiene.

The following are the main symptoms associated with RSV, which serve as key indicators of early identification of the disease:

  1. Rhinorrhea
  2. Loss of appetite (loss of appetite)
  3. cough
  4. sneeze
  5. fever
  6. respite

As RSV transmission increases, we urge the community to take precautions, especially those in close contact with infants or those with compromised immune systems. Awareness and timely intervention are key to mitigating the impact of this respiratory virus.

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