What is sun flu (a disease that affects hot seasons)?

this spring Coming soon, despite our cold front 39, the heat will reach Mexican territory, and with it come additional health concerns: Sun flu.

This condition, although less known than the common flu, can have a significant impact on the body. Welfare During the warmest months of the year.

Next, we’ll explain what the sun flu is, its symptoms, causes, and how to prevent its onset.

Also read: What is the difference between a heat wave and a hot day?

According to an article published National Institutes of Health “Unlike winter colds, which are usually caused by rhinoviruses, sun flu is associated with a variety of enteroviruses.

These Virus “They can affect various tissues in the body, including the nose, throat, eyes and digestive system, causing symptoms ranging from sudden fever to respiratory and gastrointestinal problems.”

Some of the factors that contribute to its appearance include sudden changes in temperature, exposure to air conditioning, contact with contaminated surfaces, and a weakened immune system.

Also read: Mexico heat wave: How to protect yourself from extreme temperatures?

It is important to remember that symptom Summer colds can be confused with allergies, so it is important to pay attention to the evolution of each process.

Children and infants are more susceptible to the effects of high temperatures. Photo: Pixabay

Children and infants are more susceptible to the effects of high temperatures. Photo: Pixabay

this enterovirus They are mainly spread through contact with respiratory secretions or contaminated surfaces.

Typical symptoms include:

  • fever
  • sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • conjunctivitis
  • Stuffy nose and watery eyes


To prevent enterovirus infection, the website details, it is crucial to stop its spread, which affects frequent hand washing and avoiding contact with sick people.

Symptoms can be relieved by getting enough rest, staying hydrated, and taking medications to reduce fever and discomfort.

Although a summer cold or sun flu can be annoying, understanding its causes and taking preventive measures can help minimize its effects.

Maintaining good hygiene and taking care of your personal health are important steps to enjoying the summer without being disrupted by a premature cold.

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