What is sun flu, a disease that spreads in hot weather?

Although recently Leng Feng 39the heat intensifies and high temperature They did not have a truce in Mexico and this had consequences for the health of Mexicans called sun flu.

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Although common flu As we all know, this other situation should not be taken lightly as it may have respiratory tract In spring and summer.

But what causes sunlight flu?According to an article published National Institutes of Healththis warm season cold is caused by a Various enteroviruseswhich can affect multiple tissues in the body, including the nose, throat, eyes, and digestive system.

Possible causes include Sudden changes in temperature, this long term exposure to air conditionercontact with infected surfaces and a fragile immune system.

What are the symptoms?

this sun flu Is a spread of disease pass touch Have respiratory secretions (booger) or contaminated surfaces.So it’s important to pay attention to these symptom:

  • sudden fever
  • sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • nasal congestion
  • tear
  • conjunctivitis
  • Gastrointestinal diseases

How to prevent it?

Prevent enterovirus infectionnecessary Avoid contact with sick peoplealso wash hands often.also stay well hydrated During the hottest hours (10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.), and take medications to relieve discomfort and reduce fever.

this sun flu it is usually a feeling unwellbut understand the reasons and comply with medical advice will help minimize its impact.

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