What is the difference between influenza and influenza A?

Given the increased incidence of flu cases in recent days, Health Minister Monica García said there was “reason for concern” because “we have a higher intensity of flu than in recent years.”

Furthermore, health department chiefs said in “More Than One” that the problem is not infections but health breakdown. To avoid a collapse, García announced that his department was looking into the possibility of “self-certifying” leave for minor illnesses during the first three days of disability “so as not to further bureaucratize primary care and not collapse its professionals”.

In an interview with Onda Cero, Garcia said he was working on the measure in coordination with the Ministry of Social Security and that it would be a responsible self-declaration, explaining that this initiative is already a structural one in many countries and Adopted in Spain during the pandemic and supported by health professionals.

so that, Anyone with any symptoms will only need to call their workplace to report their symptoms, but will not be required to send any medical reports or receipts for the first three days.“The word is enough to justify the absence,” he explained.

In recent days, Spain has experienced a “peak of respiratory viruses.” These include influenza A and common influenza. Although the symptoms of both viruses are similar, they differ in intensity.

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Influenza A Symptoms

  • high fever
  • Chilled all over
  • severe headache
  • General malaise
  • dry cough
  • Twenty-four hours later, a sore throat, nasal congestion, and a watery cough began.

In addition to all of these symptoms, you may also experience conjunctivitis, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally diarrhea. The flu lasts an average of five days.

duration difference

Symptoms of influenza A usually last up to four days, and common flu can last up to seven days. In addition, symptoms of influenza A usually appear one to seven days after infection with the virus, and in the case of seasonal influenza, this period is shortened to one to four days.

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