What is the main difference between COVID-19 and the flu?

Although the symptoms may be similar, they can be distinguished. (Illustrative Image Library)

It has been 3 years and 10 months since the first case COVID-19 in Mexico February 28, 2020. Since then, the virus has been like a see-saw, however, and concerns about a new wave of coronavirus are growing as some hospitals are stretched to the limits of their capacity in the face of apparent outbreaks. Increased infections.

During this period winterPeople tend to get sicker due to several factors that coincide with this time of year. Cold temperatures cause us to spend more time indoors, which increases the likelihood of being in close contact with other people and making it easier to spread infections. respiratory viruses Examples include the flu, the common cold, or COVID-19.

Additionally, cold, dry air weakens the natural defenses of the respiratory mucosa, making them more susceptible to infection. Lower sun exposure can also lead to lower vitamin D levels and negatively impact the immune system.

Some viruses, e.g. influenzaIn the cold, dry air of winter, their ability to survive and spread is greater, so the incidence of respiratory diseases tends to increase, which is why authorities usually carry out vaccination campaigns to reduce the incidence, especially among minors and the elderly people.

Both tend to rebound in the winter. (Illustrative Image Library)

some characteristic diseases winter They often have similarities, which makes us sometimes confused whether it’s a simple allergy, the flu, or a more serious virus.

Influenza and the illnesses caused by coronaviruses have similarities and differences. Both are contagious respiratory diseases that can spread from person to person, but they are caused by different viruses.

Influenza is caused by influenza virus Type A and Type Bwhile coronaviruses cover a broader family of viruses that can cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe illnesses such as MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), including COVID-19.19 Virus SARS-CoV-2.

In terms of symptoms, both conditions share common symptoms such as Fever, cough, and fatigue. Other symptoms may include Body aches, sore throat, congestion, and runny nose.

However, COVID-19 can be distinguished by certain characteristic symptoms (albeit dependent on the strain), e.g. Loss of taste or smell. Additionally, it often leads to more serious complications, including respiratory distress and the potential for the development of multisystem inflammatory syndromes.

In terms of transmissibility, the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, especially its newer variants, has proven to be more contagious than the influenza virus; this turned into a pandemic at the time. Influenza is generally considered a seasonal epidemic.

this vaccine Vaccines exist for both diseases, and while flu vaccines are developed each year to combat the most prevalent strains of the virus that year, COVID-19 vaccines are being developed at a rapid pace due to the global health emergency and are being adapted to respond to new variant.

Recovery times also vary. (Illustrative Image Library)

As for treatment, antiviral medications are available for both conditions, but specific treatment Developed for COVID-19 or adapted in response to the virus.

he Recovery Time The flu lasts 3 to 7 days and can last up to two weeks in severe cases; in the case of the new coronavirus, its latest Pirola variant can lie dormant for two to seven days after exposure, but recovery time can vary from days to weeks. wait. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends ending isolation until you no longer have any symptoms.

Compared to influenza, past public health measures in response to COVID-19 have been far greater in scale and scope, including border closures, quarantines, and the implementation of strict health measures such as the use of masks and social distancing. Influenza, on the other hand, is mostly dealt with by: Annual vaccination campaign and standard personal hygiene measures.

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