What is the meaning of Erdogan’s slogan?

You and your group will be happy with the group!

Sanki party slogan atılmış gibi ayakları götüne vurarak koşuyordu görevli çocuklara doğru!

“Hayır hayır hayır” diye bağırıyordu tıpkı Erdogan protests against edenleri bağırarak bastırmaya çalışan korumalar gibi!

Burada tek Fark mekan ABD değil Anıtkabir; Suç aleti ise protest sesi değil; And Demizdi!

Anıtkabir’in ziyaret kurallarındandır, gürültü yapılamaz, atılamaz ancak slogan “She is Taybi, she is Erdogan.” logoı bu kuraldan muaf herhalde!

You can also use the logo you want to use as your logo at the beginning of the day!

Erdogan’s slogan atılırken görevini unutan bu kişi, andımızı okuyan öğrenciler müdahaleye neden zorunlu hissetti kendini?

And I don’t know what’s wrong with me?

Leaving my first time?

How do you know what’s happening?

What’s wrong with me?

Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?

How many times do I want to know this?

How do you know what you’ve read before?

What is the difference between Turkey and the world?

We will be able to help you!

How old are people who are stuck in the house and what is the original language?

What kind of person do you want to know?

How long will it last?

Want to know what to do about the story?

Here we go again and again we will be happy again!

I am happy to hear from you that I am happy to hear from you!

(Tags for translation)Anıtkabir

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