What is the silent call, the call during Beyoncé’s live performances, that went viral on TikTok?

The moment everyone is waiting for during live performances of a pop star
beyonce dumb call

Beyoncé Renaissance Tour it was one of the musical highlights of the year. We recently covered how the ex-Destiny’s Child concerts were so in-demand that they caused inflation to rise in some countries. During their live performances the artist has set himself a very special task, which requires great attention from the public.

Indeed, during the song Energyfifth track of his latest album Renaissancewhich matches the lyrics “Big wave in the room, the crowd is about to move / Look around, everyone is silent” viewers literally have to go into “silent mode”. Like Beyoncé, her orchestra and corps de ballet stop. motionless and silent, like all the spectators.

The silence lasts about five seconds, after which Queen Bey, the band and the dancers resume the song, after which the audience relaxes. These are truly impressive second courses, during which the entire arena stops and there is silence. Seeing is believing.

Look around, it’s me and my team / Big energyrecites the song as it starts to get the fans dancing again, and the energy is really palpable. The “silent” moment is not only a very special passage in Beyoncé’s live performances, but has become real challenge. Indeed, the Texas pop star chooses the audience of the city where the game is best done.

Therefore, fan bases are expanding, a lot of posts and videos appear on social networks in which Beyoncé’s supporters are urging concert goers to complete the task perfectly. Videos in which queen bey comes to fatal verses Energy and the spectators stop silently.

At the moment, the winning audience of the silent challenge is Atlanta, in which Beyoncé performed on 11, 12 and 14 August. Be careful: the Renaissance tour is not over yet. Seven cities still have a chance to win the competition, and among them there are Houstona city in which Queen Bey “will play at home” and which will definitely be ready.

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