What is Travelers’ Diarrhea and 10 Reasons Why It Happens?

  • A few days off from work is essential to reduce stress and anxiety levels.
  • Gastrointestinal infection is one of the leading reasons for seeking medical attention.
  • Everything from changes in air pressure to overeating can be a cause of traveler’s diarrhea.

Enjoying a few days of relaxation and rest can have several health benefits. Breaking out of routine work is one of the keys to reducing accumulated stress and fatigue levels.At the same time, there are also some problems that may arise during the holidays, such as traveler’s diarrhea

Dr. Eamonn Quigley is a gastroenterologist at the centre. Houston Methodist HospitalIt is widely believed that stomach problems are limited to travel in certain parts of the world with a higher risk of gastroenteritis, but this is not always the case. In fact, diarrhea can occur anywhere and is not necessarily related to infection.

“Most people don’t realize that constipation is actually the most common GI phenomenon when traveling. The number one cause of occasional constipation is travel.

What is Travelers’ Diarrhea?

it is a A gastrointestinal infection occurs when a person becomes ill while on vacation from consuming food or water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, or parasites. Besides the main discomfort, it can cause abdominal cramping, vomiting and even fever.

The digestive system seems to be particularly sensitive to travel and related activities. but why? What can you do to make sure your bowel movements stay regular and your stomach stays calm while traveling?

10 Causes of Traveler’s Diarrhea

There are many things that can cause digestive issues while on vacation.Being away from home and exploring new places can bring a lot of satisfaction, but can also increase the risk of constipation and other medical conditions Gastrointestinal disorders.

1. Diet changes

Our eating and eating habits often change when we travel. Outside, we have less control over what and when we eat. We can have more snacks and desserts on vacation.

2. pressure

Travel stress can start to set in shortly after leaving home. From the anxiety caused by potentially missing your flight, to long walks in crowded airports, to needing to use the bathroom in places full of people who are sometimes sitting inches away from you.

3. Dehydration

Dehydration is a risk factor for constipation, but drinking enough water while traveling can also be tricky.

On long trips, going to the toilet can take a long time, or be difficult to get used to in some places, leading to deliberately reducing water intake. Also, there is not always a water supply when traveling, or the water source may not be safe.

Dr. Quigley stresses the importance of having a hydration plan when traveling, whether that means bringing a water bottle that you can refill yourself or knowing where to buy safe sealed water.

4. Drinking alcohol

“We have to hydrate with water, not alcohol. Whether it’s a pre-flight drink or lunch during sightseeing, know that alcohol doesn’t hydrate.”

In fact, alcohol can cause dehydration, and remember that dehydration is a risk factor for constipation.

5. Air pressure changes

The plane has pressurized cabins, but they are not fully pressurized. The greater the difference between atmospheric pressure and body pressure, the more the air in your stomach will expand, which is why you start to feel bloated when flying.

Bloating is annoying on its own, but it can also lead to constipation if it persists.

Now is a good time to point out how these factors stack up, especially for certain types of travel. Flying, for example, is often a triple whammy: stress, dehydration, and pressure changes, which can lead to constipation when you’re traveling if you’re not careful, especially if you’re prone to constipation.

6. Diet before flight

Carbonated soft drinks and soda are another cause of bloating. Some people also experience indigestion when flying. But because the fluid moves quickly through the body, it’s usually only a problem if you drink it shortly before boarding a flight.

7. Consumption on the go

When visiting a city or country for the first time, there are many expectations and it is natural to want to try new dishes for the first time. In all cases, it should be taken in moderation to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections.

8. Biological clock disorder

When travel takes you across time zones, it affects your circadian rhythm and how your body sets and time its internal clock.

9. I had gastrointestinal problems before and forgot to bring medicine

This may seem like an obvious thing, but Dr. Quigley points out that forgetting to pack medications you’re taking to treat an existing problem is a common cause of digestive problems while traveling.

If you are traveling to another country, the brand name of the product may vary and may not always be filled by prescription.

10. Not prepared for motion sickness

Motion sickness, sometimes called travel sickness, may not be something that comes to your mind very often, but it can be important to consider when making travel plans, especially if you don’t know how you’ll react to a particular type of travel Causes: Frequent dizziness, Such as a cruise ship.

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