What it is, how to blow it and why you should blow it often

Spirometry This is a medical test used to Help with diagnosis and monitoring Lung diseases such as:

  • chronic bronchitis

  • emphysema

  • Pulmonary Fibrosis.

Pass this exam Measures how much air the patient is able to breathe in and out.thus giving an idea of ​​the state lung.

To be clear, spirometry cannot determine which type of pathology is causing our lungs to fail to function at their maximum capacity, but it can. Indicates changes in lung function.

How is spirometry performed?

The test is very simple.The patient sits correctly Expell all air through the mouthpiece with maximum possible force Connect to a file called spirometer.

therefore Measures the amount of air entering and leaving the lungs and the speed of air entering and leaving the lungs.

The advantages of this test are many because it is very simple:

  • yes outpatient clinicthat is, no need for hospitalization

  • no pain

  • No preparation of any kind required

  • You just need to wear comfortable clothing that allows you to breathe normally.

  • last for several 10 minutes.

It is also not necessary to take any medicine before treatment, but we must inform the doctor if we are receiving treatment.

There is one more thing in its favour: Spirometry has no contraindications during pregnancy, or Lactation.

Experts stress the importance of this test

Although spirometry is simple, This is a very useful diagnostic tool.

This is emphasized by the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), which maintains that Importance of having spirometers in all health centers Spain, if you already have it, use it as part of your routine patient checkup regimen.

  • Even though it’s simple, Spirometry is a reliable study It can also detect high-morbidity diseases such as chronic obstructive disease (COPD) (currently undiagnosed in 70% of patients) or asthma (which often appears in adolescence) at an early stage.

as pointed out Dr. Eusebi Chiner, Pulmonologist Member of SEPAR and responsible for the patient area of ​​this scientific association.

  • «In addition to hospitals, we estimate that more than 60% of Spanish medical centers have this equipment.But even though we are optimistic, we worry that approx. Only 20% of these centers use it regularly or on an agreement basiscausing some diseases that can be controlled at the beginning to continue to develop, causing irreversible damage to the patient’s health.

Therefore, both patients and the national health system would benefit if spirometry was introduced in all primary care centres, because as Dr Chiner commented:

  • «Used by Agreement Spirometry Not only quality he May prevent worsening of lung function in many patientsMany medical expenses will also be saved due to hospitalizations, medication consumption, and sick days. ”

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