What it is, symptoms and age groups most likely to suffer from it

Any infection can trigger this medical complication, which kills millions of people around the world every year.

first global report World Health Organization (World Health Organization) About septicemiaPublished in 2020, it highlights serious shortcomings in the information material on this medical complication, Causes 11 million deaths every year, many of them children, and millions more with disabilities. so that,what is sepsis?

this definition The incidence of sepsis has changed in recent years.in dictionary Royal National Academy of Medicine of Spain described as:

  • Systemic response syndrome to microorganisms that cross the epithelial barrier and invade underlying tissues; its cardinal symptoms are fever or hypothermia, leukocytosis or leukopenia, tachypnea, and tachycardia, all secondary to infection. Severe cases are often accompanied by manifestations of organ dysfunction, hypotension (septic shock), and circulatory failure..

In the third international definition consensus Sepsis and septic shock (2016) redefined the concepts applicable to sepsis and septic shock:

  • septicemia: Life-threatening organ dysfunction due to malregulated host response to infection.
  • septic shock: A subdivision of sepsis in which circulatory, cellular, and metabolic abnormalities are associated with a higher risk of death compared with sepsis alone.

In other words, sepsis is a Systemic inflammatory response to infectious process (caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites), usually severe, suffered by the host organism.When faced with an infection, the body produces a excessive immune response (Immune system ends too much work), preventing normal functions in the blood and affecting tissues. If left untreated, it can lead to septic shock, multiple organ failure, and death.

On paper, Any infection can cause sepsiswhether there is appendicitis,A pneumonia or a urine infection. It may start out as a mild condition, but it is not uncommon for it to quickly develop into a severe condition. septic shock.

People of different ages are more likely to develop sepsis

this you drinkthis elderly and chronic illnessGenerally speaking, people with weakened immune systems are most likely to develop the disease. Whether the condition becomes complicated – from infection to sepsis – will depend on different factors, from whether the bacteria causing the infection are resistant to treatment to whether there is a genetic predisposition to said complications.

Detecting symptoms of sepsis

Early detection of sepsis is key, and the use of appropriate medications in each case.This is not an easy task because in the initial stages symptom Although almost all of these are related to poor blood flow, they are not very specific:

  • fever (or lower body temperature)
  • increased heart rate
  • increased respiratory rate
  • Chills with shaking and weakness
  • Some disturbances of consciousness (confusion)
  • White blood cell count is too high or too low

The problem, as detailed by the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is that “ There are many different infections (meningitis, pneumonia…), many Pathogen Different (meningococcal, influenza, fungal…) and present differently in each person.This is because genetic polymorphismthat is, we are genetically different: the same infection can manifest itself differently.

Doctors apply when patients with sepsis who are admitted to the hospital for any other illness General treatmentbecause at the time they didn’t know exactly what pathogen was causing the infection.

different Measures taken globally In the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Reduced mortality associated with severe sepsis and septic shock In multicenter studies, this proportion was less than 25%, which also indicates more efficient resource management.In Spain, in recent years sepsis code In an increasing number of hospitals, experience shows that, according to general guidelines, mortality rates are significantly reduced.

However, as the World Health Organization warns, sepsis survivor Nor are they out of danger:”Only half of people will fully recoverthe rest will die or be affected before a year has elapsed Disability lasting”.

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